Chapter Sixteen

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Some of you guys were asking whether or not Harry had feelings for Luna. Well you'll just have to wait and see ;) I'm evil like that. hehe. Enjoy :D


In the library, Harry was left surprised with Luna's reaction. He didn't understand why she had reacted in such ways. Has he said something wrong, he thought.

Harry left his seat and walked towards Ron and Hermione. He smiled at the duo as he stood inches away from them. They were perfect for one another. The way Hermione let her guard down whenever Ron was around, and was made feel safe. The way she would smile at Ron and slightly blush whenever they shared eye contact. It was so obvious that their feelings were mutual.

Harry then thought back about Luna. He noticed her blush whenever he made eye contact with her and her smile was similar to the one Hermione would offer Ron.

She couldn't possible. Could she? He thought.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked noticing Harry standing behind them with a puzzled look on his face.

"Not quite." He replied. Ron and Hermione looked at each other, both confused at Harry's response.

Harry then took a chair and sat next to them.

"I think she likes me." Harry blurted as he narrowed his eyes. His right hand was tapping the table nervously.

Ron and Hermione shared a confused look again before laughing.

"What on earth are you talking about, Harry?" Hermione asked as she gathered her breath.

"I'm not entirely sure. But I think she does." Harry continued.

Ron was in histerics watching Harry babble. Hermione kicked his leg as she noticed that Harry was indeed serious.

"Who are you talking about? And by the way where's Luna?" Hermione's eyes wondered around the library noticing Luna had dissapeared.

Harry fired up and sat back. "Luna."

"Yes, where is she?" Hermione added not realising that Harry was answering her question.

Harry looked down at his hand and began to tap the table again.

Ron looked at Harry worriedly before tapping his back and asking about who he was talking about again.

"Luna. Fore goodness sakes, Luna!"

Both Ron and Hermione gasped and leaned forward.

"Harry mate, you can't honestly be serious?" Ron began to question.

"Why makes you think that?" Hermione added.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but i doubt it." Harry modestly replied.

Hermione took a book and lightly slapped it across Harry's head. "No need to be so full of yourself Harry."

"We get you're the chosen one, but no need to rub it in." Ron added trying to support Hermione. Hermione looked at him and shook her head.

"What's the chosen one got to do with anything?" Harry muttered.

"Ignore him," Hermione groaned as she kicked Ron again.

"Why do you keep doing that for?" Ron complained, but Hermione ignored him.

"What made you think she likes you?"

"You're crazy you are." Ron whispered and moved his chair slightly away from Hermione's.

"I said that I'm not too sure; but by the things I've noticed it might actually be true." Harry ignored the flirting and carried on explaining himself.

"What have you noticed?" Hermione sounded intrigued.

"Well, she was asking about symptons."

"Symptoms?" Ron interrupted.

"Ronald, would you let Harry finish!" Hermione fired but Ron rolled his eyes.

Harry wasn't sure if to tell them about everything he said to Luna. He felt as if that information was for his ears only. But Harry had already said too much.

"Don't look to well into it," Harry warned them, "she was blushing when I looked into her eyes. Just like you Hermione."

Ron quickly looked at Hermione to see if she was blushing. "She's not blushing." He fired.

"I meant as when you look at her." Harry blurted out. He felt guilty for giving too much information away and quickly got to his feet."I must go."

"Harry wait! I do not blush when Ron looks at me." Hermione protested. "How could you even think shuch things."

"You do Hermione. You just don't realise it." Harry bit his tonuge realising he had indeed spoken too much.

Ron sank into his chair and his heart began to race a little. He felt quite smug to have Harry admit that Hermione blushes whenever he looks at her. Ron wasn't sure as to why he felt the need to feel like that. It didn't mean he liked her, he thought. Ron quietly enjoyed the scene and Hermione's attempt to prove Harry wrong.

"Besides, it is quite warm in the library and the heat makes my cheeks red." Hermione still rambled on.

"Okay Hermione." Harry decided to let the subject drop.

"Where are you going anyway?" Hermione added not wanting to carry on embarrassing herself.

"To find Luna." Harry began to walk to the exit, but stopped infront of the book Luna had dropped on her way out.

Hermione hurried behind him. She took Harry by the shoulder and asked him "Do you like her?"

"I told you that I'm not sure she likes me." Harry said as he lifted the book from the floor.

"But do you like her?"

Harry looked at Hermione intently. There were so many thoughts going through his mind. Did Luna like him? Maybe she liked someone else. Did he like her? Did he?

Hermione had brought a new thought into his mind and Harry didn't know how to answer it. He wasn't going to deny it incase Luna did like him. But he wasn't going to admit it because he wasn't sure he saw Luna in that way. Luna was Harry's friend. She understood his character and accpeted him for it.

"Do you?"

"I don't know Hermione."

Harry looked vulnerable. He wasn't sure of what to do. Hermione noticed the confusion in Harry's eyes and hugged him.

"You'll know soon enough." Hermione whispered in his ear.

"Maybe it's nothing." Harry whispered back as he held Hermione by her shoulders.

Hermione took him by the hand and smiled.

"I know I should kill you for putting me on the spot infront of Ron, but if it truly is something you will feel the butterflies in your stomach like the ones I'm feeling now having mentioned Ron's name."

Hermione blushed as she realised she had just confessed her feelings for Ron to Harry. But Harry didn't say anything. Hermione was right. If Harry felt the emotions Hermione was talking about when he sees Luna then there would be no need to deny it. He would tell Luna.

"Thank you Hermione." Harry hugged Hermione for the last time before turning around and walking off.

"Harry, wait!" Hermione braught Harry to a stop. "Don't you dare metion anything I said to you to Ron."

Harry laughed lightly before smiling.

"You will do that yourself."

And by that Harry was off and Hermione was left smiling as she made her way back to Ron.

His Greatest Emotion [Druna, Harry Potter]Where stories live. Discover now