Chapter Twenty Eight

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So last time, I uploaded the next part of the story in the previous chapter only because chapter 27 was too short. So if you need to find out how Luna reacted to Draco's "I love you", you have to go back a chapter. Having said that, here's the next part of the story. booyah!


"Want to come to Hogsmeade with us?" Hermione asked Luna, as they left Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration lesson.

During the entire lesson, Luna had been daydreaming about Draco. His words had left a small mark on her heart, knowing that it must have taken him a lot of courage in order to have confessed such things to her.

Even Harry Potter had started to notice an unusual thing in the air. Luna was weirder than usual and she was keeping more to herself than before.

"It would be lovely if you joined us." Harry muttered with a smile, as he looked at her deep in the eyes.

Luna shared a silent moment as she looked back into his eyes. The blue in them almost entwined with one another making them glisten with the light. An ocean of turquoize.

Luna nodded and blinked, breaking the trance between them.

"It would be nice, yes."

"Excellent!" Harry said excitedly, grinning slightly while Ron and Hermione shared a small chuckle.

And just as they made their way to Hogsmeade, Draco, who was stuck in the castle, decided he would surprise Luna by doing something for her.

He thought he would woe her by setting out a small picnic near the lake. This idea even made him laugh, knowing it was something he would never do. But somehow, it felt right to express it to Luna. And besides, it made him have a small smile on his face, that distracted him from the stress of his mission.

Oh, the mission. He shook his head violently trying to rid himself of the thoughts. 

Snape had been on his tracks for most of the week. Watching him closely, analysing his every step. Draco didn't know if he should tell Luna about it. He thought it would worry her, and maybe put her off.

But he couldn't change it. The Dark Lord had set his mission, and he knew he couldn't fail it. Failing it meant putting his family's safety in jeopardy. Snape was there to make sure, he did it propely. His backup of a sort.

But even the tattoo on his left forearm was a pain. It stinged and ached badly, it was obvious he tried hard to hide it. His fate was sealed, and no matter what he tried to do he couldn't prevent the forthcoming.

He hated himself for it, but if Luna really cared for him she wouldn't mind it. In the contrary, she would accept him for who he was. Is. At least that's what Lovegood was all about. Accepting and trying to make peace with everyone.

He thought he would simply just tell her. It's not like he could change anything anyway, so it was best if he would get it over and done with. Tell her he was a Death Eater.

Saying those two words in his head, made him cringe slightly. She would hate me, he thought.

But anyway, he thought to himself again. He had to get over it. Concentrate on this so called picnic he was preparing for her.

 That was his main priority at the moment. And he had to give it his all.

So Draco walked out the castle, and headed to the Black Lake. He never put his magic for good use before, and when he flicked his wand to add fairy lights curling around the nearby tree; he couldn't help but smile at how romantic they looked.

His Greatest Emotion [Druna, Harry Potter]Where stories live. Discover now