Chapter Twenty Five

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Loved the reactions to my last chapter. I feel sorry for Luna myself, but it had to be done. I hope you enjoy this chapter...Would love more comments on this plweeeseee! :)


Later that evening, Luna had spent her day at the library. She didn't want to admit it, but she felt scared to be near Draco.

The sight of him, made her blood run cold and would no longer send the rush of excitement she would experience.

It was hard enough trying to come up with an excuse to leave his sight, and Luna didn't plan to gamble her chances in bumping into him again. She knew Draco wouldn't come to the library and felt slightly safe being in here.

Although, Draco wasn't near Luna, her mind just couldn't stop thinking about him. She was worried of what he had become. She sat at the table, with her face cupped in her hands and stared blankly at the book infront of her.

The rumours of Draco being a Death Eater sprang to mind, but she was still reluctant to fall for them. It couldn't possibly be true, she thought.

But then, little details about him made her question the whole thing.

Why was his left hand behind his back? It was as if he was hiding something.

Even the first time Luna saw Draco from his little 'trip', he kept pulling down the hem of his blazer on his left arm as if  he was hiding something beneath it.

But what was he hiding?

The answer was in her head, but she didn't want to beleive it. She refused to fall for it.

Draco could have fallen and simply didn't want anyone from seeing his wound, she thought.

Or maybe, he was simply hiding something he had stolen. Knowing Draco, that wasn't much of a surprise.

But why was it on his left arm?

It could simply be a coincidence.

Yes, a coincidence, she thought.

But these simple therories weren't keeping away the main explenation for all of this.

Luna glanced at the clock and realised it was time for bed. She hadn't noticed that she spent the whole evening in the library. Eventhough she still didn't want to leave the safety of its surroundings, she knew she had to.

Luna quickly got up, didn't bother putting away the book on her table and walked out of the library.

Her eyes began to sting from tiredness as she got closer to the Common Room. Her head was aching and so she took her headband out of her golden hair, and ruffled with it as it fell lightly on her shoulders. Her golden locks, twinkled with the candle light on the staircase leading to the Ravenclaw common room.

Luna rubbed her eyes, just as she reached the bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. She was getitng herself prepared to answer the riddle when she heard a slight cough behind her.

Luna spun around, her hair whirling with her and came into focus with the person she tried to keep away from.

Draco stood up and looked at Luna. His expression was much softer and wasn't at all the same it had been this morning.

Nontheless, Luna stepped back trying to get away from him. Her eyes were still on him, trying not to show the hint of fear in her body language.

"I thought you weren't going to come." Draco laughed lightly ignoring Luna's actions as he stood there watching her.

"Luna." Draco suddenly whispered. His laugh had vanished and  his voice sounded shaky. But even the mention of Luna's fisrt name didn't make her any less uneased.

Luna blinked but said nothing as Draco took a slow step towards her.

"I'm no good for you Luna." Draco continued.

Luna narrowed her eyes, confused with his words. Her heart was beginning to increase in rate as she started to get nervous with Draco's change of mood.

"I know you want me to stay with you, but I can't be with you."

Luna gulped and continued to look at him without saying anyhting.

"I'm no longer the same person I was before." Draco breathed, and began to scan her face. His grey eyes gleamed over the outline of her face and then fell on her hair. Draco smiled faintly as he slowly lowered his eyes to look at her again.

"My words seem to have made you speechless."

Luna swallowed dry and looked away at the eagle. She wanted to leave, and go inside. Draco wasn't making any sense and she was getting even more scared of what he might do to her.

"I still want to see you, Luna." Draco looked at Luna hopeful. Luna forced her eyes to look back at him.

"I have to go." Luna whispered back, pleadingly to leave her alone.

"You're scared of me." Draco beamed at her. His tone of voice had increased in volume and a smirk was lingering on the corner of his lips. "You should be." He added coldly.

Luna by now, had shut her eyes trying to think of something to not upset Draco. She shook her head and whispered. "I'm not scared, I'm tired."

Draco stepped closer, and Luna flinched. This made him laugh as he proved Luna wrong. Draco curled his upper lip in anger and grabbed hold of Luna's hair.

Luna shut her eyes again, forcing to keep away the tears that were forming in her eyes.

Draco brought her head closer, and loosened the grip on her hair. Luna's gloden locks were  entwined with Draco's fingers and strands of it fell carelessly on her face.

"Luna." Draco whispered, his cool breath blowing on her face. Luna opened her eyes, and the tears made her eyes twinkle in the little light of the darkness.

Draco clenched his teeth as he witnessed her tears and immidiately dropped his hands. He looked down at his feet and back at her.

"I have to go." He said quickly making his way down the staircase. He stopped for a brief moment to look back at Luna, who was watching him. "I apolog-" Draco swallowed his words and turned away before sprinting down the rest of the stairs.

Luna parted her lips and sighed heavily. Her tears were uncontrollably streaming down her face but she tried to control them as she faced the knocker in the shape of an eagle to wait for the riddle.

As she walked inside the common room, she pulled her hair back with her hands and headed to her dormitory.

She didn't understand what was going on with Draco's behaviour. His mood changes brought more tears to her eyes, as Luna laid in her bed.

She couldn't help but feel worried for Draco himself. Something was troubling him, and eventhough she wasn't sure of what it was she knew it was the cause of this torment.

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