Chapter Five

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BIG THANKS, to all your wonderful comments. And a HUGE hello to all my new and wonderful fans :)

I'm so glad i've converted many of you into shipping Druna, hehe. Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as the others :)


It was quarter to midnight and Draco lay awake in his bed. He promised himself he wouldn't dwell over the stuation between Harry and Luna, and that he would wait for her, but this was just too much for him. Draco couldn't stop thinking about Luna.

Everyone in Slyhterin were sleeping apart from him. Luna's laugh echoed in his head, and worst of all the connection Harry shared with her when they held hands. Draco hated Harry, but now he completley and uterly despised him.

Draco got up from his bed and went downstairs to the Slytherin common room. He lit up the fireplace and sat there staring at the flames. The way each flame glowed and flickered its colours violently fascinated Draco. The golden glow each flame ingnited reminded him of Luna's golden locks. The way each flame flickered to the side everytime he blew into them, reminded him of the way her hair would flow and flutter around on a windy day. When the flames collided with one another and made a larger flame only reminded him of the painful moments she shared with Harry. Whenever they met eyes with on another, or shared a smile. 

Draco began to imagine how Harry would feel if he was sitting here, in the middle of these flames. His screams, as his body melted into them. The scars. The sight of his raw flesh. He enjoyed this for a moment, until a low thudding was heard upstairs.

Goyle stumbled downstairs, half asleep and stood next to Draco.

"What are you doing up so late?" he asked in the middle of a yawn.

"None of your buisness." Draco boomed. "Go back to sleep."

Obediently, Goyle went back, but stopped in the middle of the stiarcase.

"You could be such a pain sometimes Draco, you know that?" He yawned again, but Draco ignored him completley and stared back at the flames. "Why don't you just write her a love letter to whichever girl's melting your heart." He laughed as he finally went back to bed.

And it was as if Goyle had already known Draco's future. He had just given him the most brilliant idea. Draco was only surprised it came from Goyle's mouth and not his.

Draco quickly stood up and went over to the nearest desk. He took out all the drawers trying to find ink. Everyone upstairs began to moan about the noise, but Draco couldn't care less.

He took some paper and went back to his sitting spot grabbing the ink he found in the last drawer and began to write.

"Dear Luna," he began. But then scratched that. He thought writing dear was too obvious. So he wrote "To whom it may concern," But again scratched that.

He finally settled with "Luna,"

"These past few days have been tormented by your presence. Each step you take only makes me wonder about the path you choose to lead. Every wrong descision you take. Every moment you share with the wrong people. All these things keep me up at night. How could a girl be so naive? Do you not see how you affect me when you do all this."

At the end of this paragraph, Draco became agitated and frustrated. He knew it wasn't much of a love letter, but he wasn't going to make a fool of himself and write down his feelings.

Pure bloods don't lay their hearts to a woman, he said aloud to himself.

Draco then folded the letter, without signing it or adding any more words. He shall slip it into the Ravenclaw common room tomorrow after  breakfast, he decided.

He kept the letter with him at all times. He wouldn't dare let Goyle know about it. So he slid the letter under his pillow, keeping hold of it and tried to fall asleep.

Draco was excited to find out what Luna's thoughts would be on the letter. She wouldn't know who it was from since he didn't metion any names, so he tried to not worry about it.

But Draco forgot one imortant thing. Luna was a clever girl. She sensed things other people dismissed and she cared about things other people didn't.

Tomorrow was indeed going to be an interesting day.

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