Chapter Eleven

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Hello to both my new and old fans. Thanks for sticking with me, you guys are the BEST. So here's chapter 11, hope you guys enjoy it.


Period three was Potions. Everyone got in on time and were already writing the objective down. Eventhough, they were still tired from yesterday's christmas party.

Draco kept yawning and Goyle had to keep poking his arm in order to prevent him from falling asleep. Luna was surprisngly the only one that didn't seem tired. Her bright blue eyes were awake and attentive.

"We're going to be learining about Euphoria." Proffessor Snape muttered, bringing everyone to his attention. "It's part of the Elixir of Life, and you will be testing your potions this lesson."

Proffessor Snape walked towards the back of the class and got out some books from the cupboard and started handing them out.

All students feared Proffessor Snape the most. They didn't dare do anyhting that could get them in trouble, they all focused on their task.

"Your potion must be yellow. If it's not. Then you done it wrong." He added as he looked at every student in the eyes."Side effects - excessive singing and nose-tweaking."

Ron and Harry chuckled. Proffessor Snape spotted them and came storming towards them.

"Do not test my patience Potter!" He fired. And as he walked back ignoring Ron Weasley, he frowned at everyone who was on his way.

"Follow the instructions in your books." Without any more words Proffessor Snape went over to his desk and began doing his own work while the rest of the class were left to mend for themsleves.

Hermione quickly got into it, and was eager to be the first to finish. She started adding the ingredients in her couldron as Ron rolled his eyes at her.

Luna was also quite excited to be doing a cheerful potion without any serious side effects. She was reading into her notes, when Draco noticed her and began to stare.

Draco's head began to bring back the memories of last night. The way Draco held Luna in his hands. The way his hands sculpted her body as he held on to her waist. Her tiny waist, he thought.

Her eyes that reflected the light from all the candles. Her lips. Her beautiful lips, he thought. Tingles shot across his arm as he thought of them. The way he wanted her. The way he wanted them.

To feel her lips brush against his. That was what he wanted most. To kiss Luna. His Luna.

Suddenly, as if Luna had been hearing Draco's thougths she turned around to face him.

Draco quickly stood up and looked away. But as he brought his eyes to face Luna again thinking she would have turned around already, she was still looking.

Draco narrowed his eyes at her trying to intimidate her so she would turn around, but Luna refused to listen.

"What? What is it?" Draco fired making everyone turn around and look at him.

Luna was driving Draco insane. The fact that she didn't know how he felt about her. That he wanted her, was driving him crazy.

Luna acted as if she knew everyhting. The looks she gave Draco. Her words. But Draco was still unsure. She was leading him on, he thought.

It annoyed Draco that Luna did this. The way she knew something about him but wouldn't tell him what it was. He hated having to feel these emotions and these sparks in his body for her knowing that she didn't feel the same way.

"Malfoy, what is it?" Proffessor Snape asked. His voice sounded calmer than it did when he was telling Harry off.

Harry didn't like the way Proffessor Snape treated the Slytherins. Why couldn't Proffessor McGonagall treat the Gryffidnors that way, he thought.

"Nothing." Draco replied. But his eyes were still on Luna.

"Then get on with your work."

If it had been any other student that answered Proffessor Snape in that way, they would have been kicked out the class. Even worse, expelled.

But Draco wasn't like any other student, in Proffessor Snape's eyes.

"What are you all looking at?" Proffessor Snape yelled at the class.

Ans as everyone quickly got back to their task, so did the Proffessor.

Goyle noticed the tension between Draco and Luna and came towards him.

"You need to stop getting distracted by her." He whispered.

Draco broke away from Luna's eyes to face him.

"What's your problem Goyle?" He demanded.

"I haven't got a problem."

"Then act like it." Draco fired and turned to face Luna again, but she had already turned around.

Luna was now talking to Harry.

Draco's face began to heat up, he felt the anger begin to invade his thougths.

"That's what I'm talking about." Goyle added as he noticed Draco's clenched fists.

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