Chapter Twenty Two

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Draco took his trunk and made his way out of the Slytherin common room. Crabbe's worried eyes followed him out, leaving him confused as to why he was acting this way.

During the whole time Draco had been packing, Crabbe had only watched him and wondered why he was leaving. Crabbe never questioned Draco or asked about where he was going and why. He thought that wasn't any of his buisness. Besides, Crabbe had been left almost traumatised by Draco's reaction to Goyle, that he was scared he might do the same to him.

Once outside, Draco didn't realsie Goyle had been sitting on the foot of the stairs until his trunk had hit his head. 

Goyle was about to tell off the person that had hit him, but when he realised it was Draco who had done it, he bit his tongue.

Draco saw Goyle rub his head but didn't say anything. He was still panicking and far too worried about what The Dark Lord wanted from him, than anyhting else at the moment.

Draco looked away and started making his way out of the dungeon. Goyle noticed Draco's pale face and bland expression and he knew something was up. So he decided to go after him.

"Draco!" Goyle called out. But Draco didn't hear him.

Draco was walking like a zombie, he was staring into empty space and didn't recognise anything that was going on around him.

"Draco, where are you going?" Goyle muttered as he reached Draco's side. He didn't care about how bold his question was. He thought, by Draco's expression that he wouldn't notice. He was going to act like the friend Draco needed right now.

When Draco didn't answer or even realsied Goyle was there, he raised a hand and placed it on Draco's shoulder for support.

The touch had sent an electric shock across Draco's body that made him shiver and awake.Draco jerked his head to Goyle's hand and glared at it until Goyle removed it.

Once removed, Draco carried on walking, faster this time.

"What's going on Draco?"

Draco freezed and turned to look at him. His piercing gaze made Goyle step a few steps back.

"N-noth-nothing." Draco stuttered. And as he realised that his nerves were giving too much away he turned back around and ran out of the dungeons leaving Goyle behind. 

Draco went to Snape's office. He wasn't sure why, but he thought it was the best option. Once there he knocked once and was about to knock twice when Snape took him by the collar and pulled him inside.

"I said no one is allowed to know about this, and yet you decide to come to my office with your trunk at the ready!" Snape fired. He was still holding Draco by the collar, and his face was inches away from his.

Draco didn't say anything. His face showed no emotion.

"We leave now. Follow me." Snape let go of Draco and spun around to face the door. His robe floated behind him as his steps were fast.

Draco remained on his spot. Motionless.

"We'll dissapparate in the gardens..." Snape said, but when he only heard the sound of his footsteps, he turned around to find that Draco wasn't following him.

Snape went back to his office and dragged Draco outside until they reached the gardens.

Outside, the weather was chilly. The wind was caressing Draco's face and littering his body with goosebumps. The leaves were floating, syncronised with the motion of the wind.

Snape had told Draco to wait for him. He didn't say why, but he didn't need to since Draco wasn't taking any of this in.

Draco was staring into empty space again, unaware of the footsteps that were approaching.

Luna had been wondering around the castle, and paying Helena Ravenclaw a visit when she spotted Draco standing in the middle of the grounds. He wasn't moving. Not even the cold breeze made him flinch or shiver.

Luna gulped and felt a cold shiver shoot across her body as she saw him. She didn't want to go see him, incase he would want more from her. But she couldn't help but feel worried. So she decided to check on him.

Her footsteps got nearer to Draco, and still he didn't acknowledge them.

"Draco." Luna whispered.

Draco heard the whipser but he thought it was playing in his head. The pain it brought was too much to deal with at the moment.

"Draco, are you alright?"

Again Draco didn't answer. Luna then decided to stand infront of him. But her face surprised Draco and thought he was hallucinating.

Draco looked down and began to shiver. Draco was worried about Luna now. He knew it couldn't really be her standing infront of him. His eyes began to swell up with tears at the thought of her.

Draco decided to keep looking down and rub the thought of her out of his head. But Luna's voice didn't vanish.

"Draco, get back inside. It's cold."

At this, Draco smiled and let his tears roll down his face. He was convinced that Luna's voice wasn't real. It was a trick playing around in his head. But he decided to answer back to it.

"I can't." Draco yelled. More tears snaked down his face as he began to think of never seeing his Luna again.

"You can, you see?" Luna motioned him inside. Never touching him, however.

"I can't Luna. I can't." Draco whimpered. "He needs me."

"Who needs you Draco?" Luna whispered, beginning to rub her hands across her arms to keep warm.

Draco was now sobbing. "You wouldn't understand. I can't say no to him. I can't."

"Who?" Luna herself began to well up and small tears began to stain her cheeks as she watched Draco's despair.

"The Dark Lord!" Draco fired and lifted his face revealing the fear in his eyes.

Luna stepped back at his words and widened her eyes. She immidiately stopped crying and was staring at him.

But before she could say anyhing she heard Snape yells at her.

"What are you doing out of your dorm?"

Luna wiped her tears and began to make her way back inside, taking one last glance at Draco who had now realised that she truly was there for real.

"Miss Lovegood expect serious circumstances. Ten points from Ravenclaw that's a start." Proffessor Snape glared at Luna and then looked back at the scene. He was slighty worried Luna might say something. "Go back inside, immidiately! If I hear anything about what you saw tonight do not be surprised to get a one way ticket back home. Understood?"

Luna nodded. She wasn't the time of person to gossip.

And as she made her way back inside, Draco could only feel the pain start to take effect.

"Forget about her Draco. You'll be a fool not to." Snape words punched Draco hard on his chest.

But he before he could react to it, Snape had taken his hand and dissaparated 'To the Manor'.

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