Chapter Twenty Four

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As always enjoy! I quite like this chapter. Just because we finally get to see Draco and Luna. :D So don't foget to vote...I know you guys have been waiting to see them together.


Breakfast at the Great Hall was spent whispering and gossiping about Draco's arrival.

"He went to see the Dark Lord." One of the Ravenclaw boys was whispering into a small crowd.

"You think so?"

"I'm certain. Have you seen the way he's acting?"

"And why would he go with Snape? You're probably right. This thing is messed up."

"His father is was one crazy guy."

"The whole Malfoy family is crazy."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Death Eater."

At this, Luna widened her eyes in horror and immidiatley jolted to her feet. The crowd jerked their heads to face her, but remained silent.

One of the boys whispered into the other's right ear. "What's got her wand in a knot?"

A Death Eater? Luna thought. It can't be possible. It's not like him.

Luna slowly began to make her way out of the Great Hall, but not leaving her troubled thoughts behind.

The boys at the table, shrugged her bizzare behaviour out of their heads and carried on making assumptions.

Luna continued thinking. Why would they think such a thing? Draco can't be a Death way.

And as Luna was walking around in circles around the lake, Draco happened to cross her path.

Luna raised her head, and the thoughts immidiatley escaped her mind. Draco was looking straight into her eyes. He looked paler than usual and there was something about him that made Luna's stomach turn.

After a moment of silence, Luna decided to break the ice and speak first knowing that Draco was definitley not going to make the first move.

"Nice to see you again, Draco." She said forcing a smile.

"Is it?" Draco boomed at her.

Luna gulped, sensing the slight frustration in his voice, but decided to carry on acting nice.

"Yes, it is."

Draco chuckled. "I know you talk about me. The whole school does!"

Draco got closer to Luna and grabbed her upper arm with his right arm, while keeping his left behind his back at all times. "I know the kind of things they've been saying, but I don't care. I DON'T"

Luna was still looking back, straight into his eyes. Luna said nothing.

Draco lowered his hand until he touched her hand. He raised it to his mouth and kissed it lightly.

This sent tingles across Luna's body, but she couldn't help but to look away and blush slightly.

"Do -you- beleive them?" Draco whispered. Almost in a threatening way, as he entwined his fingers with hers.

Luna knew that he was only looking for one answer, and started to get a bit edgy with Draco's behaviour. But she wasn't scared, however. So she raised her face and looked straight into his eyes with a smile on her lips.

"No." Luna said hoping it was the truth. But even her witty answer couldn't help but to make her question it.

Draco smirked and leaned forward to kiss Luna on the lips, hardly touching them he whispered. "I knew you would take my side."

"I'm not taking anybody's side." Luna whispered pulling back.

But Draco, gripped her hand tighter and spat on the floor.

"You will be loyal to -me- Lovegood! And me only!" He fired, pulling her close and forcing a kiss on her lips.

Luna moaned in agony as her hand started to hurt. Luna was definitely feeling scared now.

She tried to pull away but Draco wasn't letting go. Her eyes were looking at the intesity on Draco's face. It showed determination, as he kept kissing her.

Eventually Draco pulled back and laughed coldly. Luna blinked, her heart racing in slight fear.

"What's wrong Lovegood? I thought you were glad to see me?" Draco tightened his grip, piercing his nails on her delicate skin.

Luna looked down and noticied he was drawing blood. "You're hurting me Draco..."

Draco looked at her hand and smirked. The usual Malfoy smirk.

"You should be more pleased to see me Lovegood. You need to -show- it." And with that he pulled her against him again forcing her to kiss him back.

Everytime, Luna tried to pull back he would pin her against him furhter and pierce his nails deeper into his skin.

Luna didn't understand why Draco was doing this. It wasn't like him. She regretted getting the tingles when he kissed her hand, but it seemed she didn't have a choice to stand against Draco's will.

So Luna unwillingly began to kiss him back.

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