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Your eyes flutter open to the ray of the sun blinding your closed eyes. You sat up only to find yourself on a bed of golden flowers. How you got there was the first thing you thought.

You patted the bed of golden flowers gently and you pushed yourself up with a forceful huff. You look around the place you were held in and found nothing but rocky walls. You proceeded anyways. Thinking that it was all just a dream but the moment you took your first step, you started to wince and whimper in pain. Seeing as your ankle had been sprained.

"Ugh, boogers." You grumbled but something about this place had etched you to move forward. As you found another hall, you saw a flower peeking out of the soil, apart from the golden flowers you have encountered earlier, this was strangely different. You felt as if the flower was smiling at you. You inches closer out of curiosity only to see that IT WAS SMILING AT YOU.

Moreover, IT HAD A FACE! You began tilting your head to one side, "Howdy!" The flower spoke, his grin growing wide, "I'm Flowey! Flowey The Flower. You're not from around here, aren't ya?" The flower grinned, and you just nodded your head, "Golly! That must be so terrifying. But don't worry! Little old me got ya~" You smiled down at the flower and kneeled over its height, "Okay." You smiled, thinking of how creepily adorable the flower is.

Was this the so called legend; Mt.Ebott? Are these monsters? Is this flower even a monster?

"Okay! First thing's first about encountering monsters!" Suddenly, you felt as if your entire body was vanishing and a bright y/f/c heart was the only remnants of yourself, "See that little f/c heart? That's your soul! Move around and see for yourself!" He chimed. And you did try and moved around. And as you did you encountered something revolutionary.

You stared into a few words linked below, LV, HP and EXP. You turned to the flower as if it was possible considering you were a heart and he seem to know what you were thinking, "In the underground, you need to gain LV. What's LV? Why, LOVE of course!" He beamed and you couldn't help but find the little one adorable, "LOVE is gained when you have enough EXP. And to have that, you need to share LOVE with every monster here! Now lemme give you some LOVE!" The flower grinned, winking as he did so, "LOVE is shared through these . . . 'friendliness pellets'. Now all you have to do is get as MANY as you can!" He exclaimed with another huge grin, you nodded even though you didn't think it was necessary, "Are you ready? One, two . . . three!"

As the pellets dropped towards you, you decided to take it all. But the moment you did, you regretted it. Every friendliness pellets you took had weighted a ton on you. If you could scream, you would, but apparently, you can't. As you took all the attacks, you've noticed something. Your HP had been going down. From 10 to 1. You felt as if it was pointless to try and fight back.

The flower laughed a deep, menacing laugh, Y O U  I D I O T. He growled, "In this world, it's KILL or BE KILLED." Then, once again, those friendliness pellets returned and started to surround you. Knowing that there's no escape, you still stayed determined and awaited your fate. But . . . nothing came. As you opened your eyes, you saw the bullets hovering above you. Around you. As if they were stopped by a barrier. And suddenly, a fire-like object was casted to the side, wiping away the evil flower.

"Oh, dear." A soft, soothing mother-like voice came intact with your ears, you turn around to see a cow-or is it a goat?-like creature with a dress nearly reaching its feet, "Poor child. Being tormented by such a low creature. Are you alright?" You continued to stare at the creature and said, "Are you going to hurt me, too?" You asked the tall creature, you saw its eyes widened and soon softened. A look of sympathy lurked on its face, "Oh, little one, I won't. In fact, come and I shall tender your wounds. I am TORIEL, by the way." She smiled down your height as she offered a hand, "Caretaker of the RUINS. What is your name?" You, being the kind human you are, accepted the hand and found yourself in your full body again. Maybe . . . this monster is different.

"Y/N." You told her truthfully, she smiled at you and said, "Such a pretty name. You see, I come here all the time to see if any human had fallen down. And apparently, to my surprise, you did." She giggled, and you couldn't help but feel protected under her care, "Is that so? Am I lucky to have fallen down here, though?" You asked her, she look back at you and shrugged, "It is for you to decide, little one." She smiled and continued to walk deep inside the RUINS.

"Now, child. I'll just warn you." She mumbled, you look up to meet her dark orbs, "This RUINS is full of puzzles and monster. Like this for example." She told you with a small smile, "I've labelled each puzzles here so it would be easy for you." She told you and you nodded as you went to do the puzzle yourself, and you did! Toriel was glad at your job well done and proceeded on the RUINS.

As the two of you walked and talked, you've bonded. And you've felt as if you're going very attached to this woman. As the two of you went deeper into the RUINS, you've encountered a monster called the Froggit. It pounced on you and stared at you weirdly only to be glared at disapprovingly by Toriel. The Froggit hopped off of you and apologized right away.

As you and Toriel continued on, you saw an ant like Froggit this time. It was adorable as it waved at you and you couldn't help but wave back. There was this one time that Toriel left you at the end of the corridor and you started to run after her in fright. Knowing that maybe another Froggit might pounce on you again. Or maybe another menacing flower. But nonetheless, Toriel had only thought you independence.

As you continued to follow her, she led you into a house deep within the RUINS. A tree in the middle and old, crumpled leaves sat at its roots.

Hearing the leaves crunch underneath your feet and seeing a tiny, cozy house in the middle of the RUINS. It fills you with . . . D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

Undertale|Good To Be Alive[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now