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I promised . . . what?

The darkness you were held in was soon burst into colors. Variety of hue exploded right before your eyes and seconds later . . . you were finally starting to remember.

Various images-scenes-of your short, punny yet lovable skeleton, Sans. Images and scenery that wasn't even mentioned in the story, itself. Different dialogues, one by one had flooded right before your eyes.

promise me one thing, y/n.” A scenery of Sans showed through the various shades of hues, “Anything.” a voice, the same as yours, spoke lovingly, “that you’ll fight, okay?

You closed your eyes, finally remembering when, “y/n?” your eyes shot open only to see another memory, it was another one of Sans’. But it was not yours. It wasn't the promise Sans was talking about before you fell into this dark abyss, “promise me that you’ll be good.”

Then, finally, the memory you've been waiting for flashed before your eyes. The two of you were taking a short break in the dark place where the tEM sHOP was. The lights were diminished, letting the darkness surrounds you both.

y/n?” Sans called, but something else was lurked into his tone. As if he was asleep and was suddenly awakened by a nightmare of you missing, “y/n?!” he called once again, “I'm here, Sans. I'm here.” you told him, “I'm not going anywhere.” you told him, even though it was dark, the memory of your own tells you that you held his hand that time, “promise?” he asked in such an innocent, loving tone. It sounded childish to a significant other to hear it, but to you, it was the kind of tone that you don't want to hear ever again. As if he was afraid something might happen. Something like . . . what's happening now.

You felt guilty. You made him feel so devastated. The look on his face when he was trying to remind you of your promise was the most heartbreaking scene you've ever saw. The horrified look on his brother's face, the caring and loving gaze Toriel had given you, the timid and panicky stare Alphys shared, the shocked look Mettaton gave you and the concerned and worried look Undyne held as the thorn continued to impale your chest.

It's nice to reminisce, huh?

. . .

Me? Golly, I can't believe you forgot ME.

. . .

The voice before you fell? Oh, no. THAT could NEVER be ME.

. . .

What're you doing here?

Suddenly, as the voice's repetition of your question echoed through the thick darkness, you felt something ripping something from a part of your mind.

And suddenly, the memories, everything, had started to vanish ever so slowly.

T O  F O R G E T. the voice told you and as soon as it finished its demand, you were memoryless. The promise, the looks, your friends and your beloved. All gone and thrown deep down into the dark abyss where your body fell along with it.

R I S E , Y/N.

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