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As the snow crunched underneath your feet every step you take, you couldn't help but share a cheeky grin. You glance at the bush near the RUINS door and looked a little more closer to it. You saw a tiny camera. You wandered who would place it there but considering that Toriel is maybe hiding from Asgore made you thought about it so much.

You continued to walk across the icy ground and as you were half way out of the long corridor-like place, you felt as if something was following you. You turned around and saw no one. You continued on until you encountered a stick. And at your state, it looks strong enough for you to the point where you have to go over it. You did and as you walk a little further, you heard the stick broke. Sending shivers down your spine. You didn't decide to look back. It was outrageous if you did.

You swallowed your fear and stayed determined. Hoping that whoever it was would be Toriel or just a super upset Froggit. But a mere Froggit nor a calm natured Toriel would be able to break that stick. You thought spookily as you reached a bridge that had a fail attempt of blocking anything. You felt a presence behind you. Making all your hair to stand, "Turn around, kid." the voice told you. You knew it was a boy even though it wasn't deep. It wasn't high pitched either. It had an epitome of both. It was surprisingly calm and somewhat laid back.

"Don't you know how to greet a friend?" he told you, "Turn around and shake my hand." he stated and you did. You didn't quite saw his face because of the sudden snowy breeze that happen to blew behind your back. You shook his hand anyway. Only to hear something that much is related to a . . . farting noise. You continued to stare blankly into his eyes and as the farting noise cease, you giggled such an adorable laugh. Taking the monster in front of you aback.

"the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it's ALWAYS funny." He told you, you lifted up your head after a moment of giggles and saw . . . a skeleton. You knew that at that moment? You would never forget the words he said to you, "i'm sans. sans the skeleton." He told you and you couldn't help but smile, "Y/N." You told him honestly, "you're a human, right? that's hilarious." He asked the obvious, "as you can see, i'm the sentry of this place. and as far as you can tell, i'm on break so i'll let you slide off." You felt yourself release an unwanted breath.

"scared? don't be. now, my brother!" He exclaimed, "Papyrus, he's a human-hunting fanatic." He grinned, as if just talking to his brother is the best thing he'd done in his entire world. He glance behind you and gave you another smug grin, "go beyond that bridge." He told you, you turn around and glance at the bridge along with its . . . wooden . . . blockage?

"don't worry. my brother made it too wide to even stop anyone from going across." He told you and pushed you through the bridge, "quick!" He exclaimed, "into that conveniently shaped lamp." He told you and you hid behind the lamp only to see that it was conveniently shaped and that a tall skeleton came rushing out of the other side of the snowy forest, "SANS!" The skeleton yelled, but it seems that to the shorter skeleton? It was his normal way of talking.

"yeah, pap?" He grinned another smugly grin, "YOU LAZY BONES!" The tall one exclaimed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Sans glance your way then back to his brother, "i'm on break." He winked, "AGAIN?! YOU'VE BEEN ON A BREAK FOR THE PAST 50 MINUTES!"

"well, i've been getting a ton of work today. a skele-ton." He winked at you and turned to nowhere and just shrugged as if he'd just made the best joke ever. But it seems that his brother disapproved, "SANS!" he exclaimed, "aw, c'mon, pap. You're smiling!" Sans teased, "I KNOW AND I HATE IT!" He exclaimed, and soon sighed an exasperated sigh, "WHAT DO I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS NEED TO DO TO GET TO THE ROYAL GUARDS?" Sans grinned another smug one and said, "throw them a bone, bro." He winked, "SANS! UGH! HOW ABOUT YOU TRY AND GIVE YOUR WORK A LITTLE BACKBONE TO IT?" Papyrus grinned, "NYEH! NYE HE HE HE HE!" he walked away laughing that contagious, adorable laughter and soon came back with a HEH and left once again. You walked out of the lamp and approached Sans to see him smiling sincerely.

"You seem to be really fond of your brother." You told him and he couldn't help but smile some more, "you seem like a good kid. can you do me a favor?" Sans asked, you stared into his eye sockets and nodded anyway, "great! uh, i just need you to be the little human you are and let my bro meet ya. he'll be bursting out of joy if he does." He grinned, and you smiled back at him. Maybe the monsters here aren't as malicious as the flower you encountered.

"Okay." You told him truthfully, and, probably sensing the truthfulness in your tone, he felt content, "thanks, kiddo! welp, see ya around." He winked and soon walked to the same direction the taller skeleton went. You followed them after you took in the magnificent view of this place.

Knowing that you'll be able to meet new friends? It fills you with . . . D E T-

H E E H E E H E E. . . .

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