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As the two of you walked into a dark field filled with an awful lot of glowing plants and mushroom, you thought of a question that only Sans, himself, could answer.

"Hey, Sans?" You called, tightening your grip into the hems of his jacket. Before entering the place, he told you to grab unto it so you won't get close, claiming he knows this place even with his eyes closed, and you trusted him for that. Even though you feel as if the two of you are walking in circles, "yeah, kid?"

"Earlier, you cried when you thought I was lost, right?" You asked, you felt him tense and soon calmed down, "nah, kid. i leaked. not cried. leaked. there's a huge difference between the two." He told you, "Okay. Uh, so how do skeletons . . . leak? I mean, where does that water come from?" You asked him and he seemed to stay silent for a short amount of time until, "to be honest . . . i don't know. it's kinda like a thing in you humans. wherein everything just seemed . . . normal. like it has been a part of you ever since."

"Can Papy cry, too?" You murmured, you heard the skeleton sigh, although, you didn't understand or know if it was a sigh. It sounded like two pair of speaker reflecting on the bass, "Sans?" You called once more, "yeah. he can cry, too." He told you dryly, coldly even.

"Oh. That's cool." You muttered and the two of you walked in silence, after a while, Sans had led you into an awfully different place. There were pictures on the cavern walls of something that looked like a cat in a sweater. As you followed Sans through the place, he led you into a tiny space. The words; tEM sHOP written atop of it.

"Sans? What're we—" "if we're traveling, we might as well pack our foods. aren't ya hungry?" After the last sentence, you felt your stomach grumble. Answering Sans’ question without any hesitation. You felt your cheeks heat up and you instantly avoided any eye contact from the skeleton who's smug grin flashed across his face.

"hOI!!!!" a loud yet high pitched voice called, you turned around and saw the cat on the pictures and the sculpture, "i'M tEM! dIS iS tEM sHOP! pLS bUY tEM fLAKES!" The creature told you two, you smiled and waved, "Hoi!" You copied it, and the creature seemed pleased at what you did, "we'll have just about that." Sans told the Tem, "hOi!!! hOOMAN aND sKELLY bUY tEM fLAKES?! hOI!!!! bRING tEM fLAKES hERE!" He yelled and soon, all of the other Tem's appeared, bringing the two of you dozens of Tem Flakes.

"Whoa, wait. Sans!" You called, almost drowning into the ocean of Tem Flakes, you turned around and saw only his skull and the rest of his body was buried into the Tem Flakes, "You're buying all of these?" You asked him with an amused smile, "why not?" He asked you back with a smug grin, you giggled and shook your head, "I'll help you pay."

"hOI!!!!!" The Tem greeted you again, "Hoi!" You smiled, and handed him the money, "Here you go." The Tem happily accepted your gold and stuff it on his face. You giggled and gave it a pet before returning to the short skeleton. The two of you left after stuffing all the Tem Flakes into your inventory and the dimensional box given by Alphys.

"bE cAREFUL." You heard the rest of the Tem mutter. But what gave shivers down your spine is that you didn't know if they were referring to the both of you . . . or one of you. But Sans, being the lazy bone he is, didn't bother clarifying it and yelled, "will do." in an almost monotone tone. The two of you walked in silence, with you wondering what happened earlier and any the Tem's had told you both to be careful.

You couldn't help but think what's wrong. And unintentionally, you kept letting out a short sigh, "don't worry about it, kiddo." You heard the skeleton called infront of you, then, to your realization, you forgot to hold his jacket. You found yourself lost in the darkness and you couldn't help but have a panic attack.

"S-Sans? Sans! Where are you?!" You screamed as you walked around hurriedly, "God, please don't leave me." You cried quietly and suddenly, as if an answered prayer, a glowing mushroom shone one by one until the short skeleton was revealed standing infront of you. A smug grin across his face as he said, "i told ya not to worry."

You felt your whole body turn into jello. Feeling yourself slumped into your own relief and as if your feet had its own life, it went rushing down to Sans and soon afterwards, you were crying on his chest. Clutching his white shirt tightly into your gentle grasp, "hey, kid. calm do—"

"I thought you left me. . . ." you told him quietly through a fit of shaky breath, "i'm sorry, kid. i—" he let out another sigh and just . . . wrapped his boney arms around your fragile body. Watching as the light illuminating from the mushroom slowly disappear.

"I forgive you." You muttered into his chest and to your surprise . . . you felt him tense in your words. Afterwards, you felt him caressing your back. As if he was attempting to comfort you.

Knowing that this skeleton will always be here for you, to comfort you, it fills you with . . . D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

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