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When Sans told you that Hotlands wasn't as hot as it sounds, you were expecting that it was just like Iceland. Wherein there were never ice, only land. Just like one of those famous book written by a certain author. There are no cure. Only death.

"you okay, kiddo?" The skeleton asked you as he finally noticed that you were walking far from his behind, "wow, you need to," he stopped, his usual smug grin growing wide, "brighten up." He kid and you let put a short, weary chuckle but ended up coughing, "hey, what's wrong? can you even walk, kid?" He asked sincerely, you frowned at the skeleton's remark, "yeah, figures. uh, wait here." He told you and you started to sit on your butt.

Breathing through your mouth like the Lesser and Greater Dog, it fills you with determination.

Seeing as the skeleton was returning with a cup of something unknown, you were filled with hope. But as he was finally standing infront of you, you saw the look of annoyance scribbled on his face.

"darn, this place is too hot the water kept evaporating." He groaned, he threw the cup in the air and you watched as the cup itself evaporated ad well. You began to question why your body could handle this intense heat. To your surprise, Sans raised you up and into his boney embrace. He was carrying you. Bridal style.

"S-Sans? Wha-What're you d-doing?" You stammered out wearily, your voice sounded rough and raspy as your throat had gone dry, "carrying ya to the water dispenser." He told you bluntly and the next thing you saw was flashes of different shades of colors until the water dispenser came in view. You took a cup of water and soon shoved the whole water into your throat before it evaporates.

Oh, how amazing did it felt the moment the water touched your tongue. And apparently, you were yearning for more, and Sans even encouraged you to get as much as you want. So you did. After satisfying your thirst, Sans told you that he'll be back. That he'll just finish something . . . important. He told you to go explore the place. And being in the Hotland, you thought of no good reason to explore. So instead, you went back to the Waterfalls.

As you started wondering around the place, you noticed something sharp . . . and blue shone quite afar from where you stand. And soon afterwards, a group of neon blue spears surrounds you. The moment you saw them, you thought of one thing you're sure to help you. The magic barrier Toriel had thought you.

You crouch and spread your arms to your side, squeezing your eyes shut, you focused closely into the spell. And the next thing you heard was the sound of spears bouncing off into the f/c barrier you made. You smiled at your own masterpiece only for it to vanish when the foe broke your barrier with one slam of its fist.

You yelped in surprise and saw a man in armor-no, it's not a man. It's a woman based on its features. You swallowed the invisible lump forming in your throat knowing who this might be.

"Human," the armored lady spoked, her voice muffled through her helmet, she raised her helmet slightly for you to see her face, and you were finally certain that this woman was, "Nice to see that you've mastered your magic." The woman said as she flashes you a huge, cheeky grin.

Feeling your knees went jello and meeting the top of the Royal Guards, Undyne had filled you with . . . D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

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