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The two of you were seated at the farthest corner of the restaurant. Silently waiting for someone to come and take your orders.

As the two of you waited, Sans had told you stories about the first two humans that fell down here before you.

You've learned about the human that goes by the name Chara. Chara, well, she was the human that Toriel and Asgore took care of and treated as a child of their own. Along with the prince, Asriel.

And the second human before you was Frisk. Sans told you stories about how quiet, how thoughtful, how merciful and how forgiving Frisk was. And how much you remind him of the kid. Saying that the two of you had something in common. Except that Frisk was less talkative compared to you.

As fascinated as you look, you were curious about what happened to Frisk. Knowing that the first human, Chara, died of illness, "Sans?" You called, once the silence had taken over, "yeah?" He answered, opening his right eye socket to scan you, "What happened to Frisk?" With those words escaping your mouth, you watched as Sans’ eye socket . . . darkened. Darker than it usually was. As if the small, glowing light that acts as its pupil slowly disappeared.

His smug grim disappeared along with it, "S-Sans—"

"i think it's best if you didn't know, kid." He told you through a form of a sigh. You were curious. But seeing as the skeleton seemed uncomfortable about the topic, you decided to drop it on your own.

"Boy, I'm hungry!" You suddenly exclaimed, Sans seemed to regain his proper composure and chuckled deeply, "okay, you didn't really have to say it out loud." And soon, a waiter came holding the tray of your orders, "Thank you." You smiled at the little Vulkin and it bashfully fled away.

"Those little things are just too adorable to even be here." You mumbled underneath your breath, "mostly, everyone is." You heard Sans say, your eyes widened and quickly, you jerk your head up only to see Sans staring at you, "Yeah. Sorry. I, erm. . . ."

"we don't deserve this kind of treatment, y/n. ya know," he started, chuckling softly, "it's kinda hard explaining why monsters are trapped here to Papyrus when he was younger." He told you, drinking a few sip of ketchup before continuing, "and, apparently. me talking about why monsters aren't allowed in the surface should also be illegal. it does things." He said, grinning at his own memories. You couldn't help but smile at how surprisingly innocent Sans’ smile was.

"No one deserves this kind of treatment. Whether a monster . . . or a human." You told him honestly and he seemed to be pleased by your answer, "correct." You heard him mumble and something else was said but you couldn't quite hear it. And you didn't even bother to ask what he said.

After a while, the two of you decided to visit Mettaton's fabulous ball. He said that every monster would be there. And Sans was actually excited about the fact that he might see his brother again. So Mettaton let the both of you borrow one of the hotel room to wait for the ball. He even lent the two of you some clothes to wear.

After hours of waiting, the two of you finally decided to change clothes. There were two bathrooms inside the hotel room Mettaton let you borrow. So you parted ways. You took the f/c gown in your arms and gaze upon the beauty it held. The simplicity captures your interest. A cute white ribbon was tied above the waist and near the stomach. The gown was long enough to cover the sneakers you wore partnered by the sweater you have been wearing since the beginning.

Finally, after moments of being mesmerized by the dress, you wore it. As you left the comfort of the bathroom, the face of the short skeleton surprised you. He was wearing a tuxedo to be expected. But the color of it simply matches yours. A white bow tie wrapped around his neck. The two of you stared at each other lovingly. Before you heard Sans mutter, "you look beautiful." underneath his breath.

You felt your cheeks flush bright red, mumbling the words, "Thanks. You look," you paused, a pun suddenly flashing in your mind, you gave him a huge grin and said, "You look Sans-ational." The two of you burst into a round of laughter.

"oh, wait. c’mere, kid. lemme fix your hair for ya." He smiled and you did as you were told. You knelt down and let the skeleton do the rest of the work.

You felt his boney fingers glide through your silky h/c locks, gracefully gathers a few strands of your hair.

Knowing that this night would probably be the best for the both of you, it fills you with . . . D E T E R M I A T I O N.

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