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As you've walked further into the snowy forest, you've encountered a lot of terrific monsters.

You've met Snowdrake who's such an adorable little bird. Then a ghost named Napstablook who showed you his hat that looks absolutely adorable to him.

You couldn't help but look forward to more monster coming your way. A smile was plastered across your face, your feet creating a rhythmic sound as they got united to the snowy floor. Your h/l h/c locks bounces gingerly behind you. Your e/c orbs sparkled with the unknown.

The other monsters found it stunning the way you skip whenever you walk or how cheery your voice sounds whenever you talk to them considering the fact that the humans had a deep hatred between them. But that . . . didn't bother you.

Maybe because the humans were wrong? Maybe because they just misunderstood these creatures? They're not as bad as everyone thought they'd be. Sure, let's say there are bad monsters that probably might want you dead right here, right now. But humans are the same, aren't they? There are bad and good in this world. You can't simply get rid of them. It creates balance in this world. So if it did, would keeping the monsters in the Underground keep the balance of the world?

When you were young, the one and only thought to you about monsters is that they are all bad. Sure, a cute menacingly evil flower tried to kill you that one time you first sat your butt in the Underground. But everything else isn't that bad. Toriel kept you safe and warm. Gave you shelter and food. Gave you kindness and caring. Until eventually, you seek for the unknown.

Not every monster is bad. You thought to yourself as you entered another route that was the same as the rest. Only . . . different. From afar, you could see two silhouettes standing and a rock behind you. The silhouettes consists of a tall one and a short one. You couldn't quite see their face because of the emerging blizzard but the moment it vanished, a huge smile crept across your mouth.

"S-S-SANS!" you heard a flamboyant voice whisper. Or was it even a whisper? "I-IS THAT . . . A HUMAN?!" The taller skeleton exclaimed, his grin growing wide and possibly reaching his ears. If he had any.

"i think that's a rock, pap." The shorter skeleton commented, "OW. WELL, I-"

"but what's that in front the rock?" The shorter skeleton grinned smugly, "OH MY GOD!" The taller one exclaimed, "SANS! IS THAT A?!" Sans, the shorter skeleton grinned widely once again, "eeyup." Suddenly, the two went spinning out of . . . joy, maybe? Does skeleton do that whenever they're happy? You don't know, but you couldn't help but find it adorable and cute anyway.

You heard the taller one took a deep ounce of breath, "HUMAN!" he started, making you startled, "OH. I'M SORRY. DID MY . . . VOICE STARTLED YOU?" The taller one asked worriedly, as he did so, you felt as if this cinnamon roll isn't really gonna give you a bad time. You secretly glance at Sans, seeking for help, "welp, maybe they're so afraid of you, even your voice frightened them, bro." He winked, you thanked him mentally and watched as the taller skeleton's face lightened up then he took a pose that you assume was his . . . guard pose?

"HUMAN," he started once again with the same enthusiasm, "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, IS HERE TO CAPTURE YOU NOW!" You smiled at what he said and nodded, "Okay." You told him and walked an inch close so you have to crane your neck in order to meet his eye sockets, "W-WAIT, REALLY?!" he exclaimed, you giggled at how adorable he sounds and said, "Uh-huh. I'll surrender myself. You're too frightening for me." You told him with a fake shiver, "WOWIE! DID YOU HEAR THAT, BROTHER? THE HUMAN FEARS ME!" Sans just glance at you, as if he was trying to figure out what you were doing or what you're planning to do.

He closed his left eye and said,"eeyup. you're a big scare, bro." He told Papyrus which only made his face light up brighter and make a sound that . . . sounds so . . . adorable, "NYEEEEEEH~" he muttered dreamily and cleared his throat afterwards, "HUMAN! FOLLOW ME TO YOUR CELL!" he told you and you eventually followed with Sans beside you. Talking to you and telling you short bad puns which you return as bad as he has.

As you and the shorter skeleton told bad puns, you heard the taller one groan in frustration. Knowing that these two would probably be your very first friends outside of the RUINS? It fills you with . . . D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

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