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The door from Grillby's burst open, followed by a loud, flamboyant voice, "SANS!" it said.

"oohh, boy." You heard Sans mumbled underneath his breath and soon, both of you were startled the moment the tall skeleton slid himself through your direction. Grabbing his brother's feet, he said, "SANS, I LOST THE HUMAN!" His tone was somewhat . . . gloomy but still energized. You couldn't help but giggle at how adorable he was.

"you did?" Sans asked, glancing up at you with a hint of humor on his face, you made a look and chuckled anyway, "YEEESSSSSS." he answered gloomily as he continued to clung into his brother's feet, "bro, look at me." Sans told his devastated brother, Papyrus did, "look over there." He said, pointing towards your direction, Papyrus did and his eyes only widened. He jerked his head to his brother's direction and wailed, "SAAAANS. I'M SEEING THE HUMAN'S GHOST!" He whined adorably, Sans seemed to find it amusing, he patted his brother's shoulders and said, "i found the human, silly." He told him and those words seemed to sunk into the taller skeleton's skull as he popped himself up with a brighten up face and a huge, toothy grin, "WOWIE!" he exclaimed with much joy, "YOU DID IT, SANS! YOU FOUND THE HUMAN!" He exclaimed and you actually giggled at his actions, causing both of them, or mostly everyone to actually blush.

They had never seen a human so cheerful. So . . . open into the Underground. The first one who fell was actually nice as well. But . . . you, you were different. You, somehow, managed to capture every monster's heart just by being you. By being your little determined human self.

Your thoughts was cut short the moment the door burst open once again, "WHERE'S THE HUMAN?" a voice, as fierce as it is, as feminine and masculine as it sounds, roared through the entire restaurant. And apparently, despite the surprising entrance of the monster who just came, everyone seemed to be amazed by the creature. It was tall. It was masculine. But despite everything? It's a girl. Its hair was the color of red-orange. Its fins stuck out like any normal fish. An eye patch around its left eye. Its teeth were sharp and shark-like. Its grin went wide the moment it laid its eye on you. It wore a tank top, the color of brown. And it even wore pants.

Behind the fish creature was . . . a timid-looking yellow reptile? The reptile wore a lab coat, and everyone seemed surprised at her appearance as well, "U-U-U-Undyne! N-n-no! I-I-I to-told you no-not to co-confront the h-human that q-quickly!" The timid reptile spoke, you smiled at such a scene, "Who cares, Alphys?! Look! Papyrus and Sans are here! It means," Undyne said, "THEY CAPTURED THE HUMAN!" She screamed, raising her spear up and throwing it forcefully towards you.

Your eyes widened at how fast everything happened. You couldn't move. You just . . . stared at the approaching blue spear towards you. It was fast. It was . . . scary. But despite the fact that it's scary, that it'll probably leave a huge ass scar on you, you stayed still.

Knowing that you'll die having to met these monsters, to have seen the Underground, it fills you with . . . D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

O R  D I D  I T ?

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