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You entered the house of the Caretaker of the RUINS. And it was as nice and cozy as it was outside. There were snail books placed on the dusty shelf, a refrigerator where a branded chocolate bar is placed, a butterscotch cinnamon pie resting on top of the kitchen counter and approximately 3 rooms, one that is under renovations.

You were currently looking at yourself in the mirror. Observing all your features. You hadn't realized it yet but your h/c hair looked like a bird's nest or it looked as if you had just woken up, your e/c eyes shone underneath the light given by the hallway, your f/c and 2ndf/c striped sleeves was accompanied by a few leaves, dirt and golden petals from the bed of flowers earlier. Thinking about the menacing flower, Flowey, gave tingles down your spine. But nonetheless, you stayed determined.

"Y/N? Child, come. Let us eat some pie!" You heard Toriel called and you couldn't help but follow her into the kitchen and ate some pie with her. After eating, you decided to roam around again. You saw a flight of stairs going down and as much to your curiosity you decided to check what's under it. Or where it will lead you to. As you got down, you saw nothing but a long purple corridor that leads to something unknown. You took a couple of steps when you thought of something.

How can you leave the RUINS? You were excited to explore the rest of the Underground and-your thoughts cut short when you realized something else. Something you should've realized a while ago. I should go back Home. You thought as you continued to walk through the long corridor only to be stopped by Toriel.

"Come, child. I have baked another pie. Let us eat." She said rapidly and quickly dragged you out of the corridor and up to the flight of stairs. As Toriel left, you decided to go back down and explore. Sneakily this time, but apparently, Toriel seemed to have hidden eyes around here somewhere.

"Child, would you like to read some snail books with me?" She asked and dragged you upstairs once again. But seeing as Toriel kept preventing you from going deep into the purple corridor? It filled you with D E T E R M I N A T I O N and carried on. Toriel came once again, "You cannot play here. You might catch a cold." She told you and you both went upstairs only to go back down once she left.

She caught you before you could even reach the end of the corridor and said, "You might catch a cough." You felt silly as Toriel kept making excuses just so you can't find what's hidden behind the corridor. It made you curious. You continued to go back down only to be stopped by Toriel looking disapprovingly and soon taking you upstairs.

You decided to just stop and tell her why you have been acting this craycray, "Mom?" You called and she flinched at your tone, "Yes, child?" She asked, setting down the book she was holding, "How do I exit the RUINS?" You asked her innocently and it seemed to have shot a nerve. Her eyes went wide and it seems all color from her face was drained, "I . . . I have to go do something, child. Wait in your room." She told you and soon left. You followed her anyway and saw that she went downstairs.

"T-Toriel?" You stuttered as you tried to catch up on the tall creature. She look back but proceeded anyway, she stopped at the end of the corridor and just before you could touch her she said, "I told you to go to your room, did I not?" She said sternly and continued on walking the long corridor. But you stayed determined and followed her.

As you did, you both reached the end of the corridor. Only to be welcomed by a huge door. Does this door leads you back home? Or into another place?

"I am going to break this door. So you would not have to leave and you shall have no choice but stay here. I cannot let you leave. Not anymore." She muttered as she stood high and tall infront of the giant door. But you continued to stare at her understandingly, Toriel seemed to be disturbed by how you look, "If you wish to leave, very well." She scoffs, her gaze stuck on the floor, "But . . . you have to prove me that you're strong enough to do this!" Her voice roared through the entire corridor. No matter how gently or how calm it sounded.

Fire surrounded the goat monster and soon, you felt yourself turn into a f/c heart once again.

T O R I E L  B L O C K S 
Y O U R  W A Y.

You continued to stare at the goat creature as it gaze anywhere but your eyes, she sent a round of fire bullets your name and you tried your best to dodge every bullet coming your way. You stand your ground. Even though you had an option to FIGHT you decided not to. Instead, you told Toriel you didn't want to fight her.

But it seems she's not much for conversation, she shot another bullet your way and hit you across your heart. Your HP going down to 5 by the minute, then you decided to do the least thing you thought. You gave her MERCY. Toriel scowled at you and shot another bullet your way. You dodged it successfully and gave her MERCY once again.

"What are you doing?" She finally questioned you with a disapproving look, she didn't attack this time and you continued to give her MERCY until . . . she fell to her knees and chuckled a hearty laugh as tears flew down her face.

You smiled at the creature and gave her a gentle hug, "I am sorry, child. I did not mean to hurt you. Are you alright?" Even though your HP is down to 5, even though you look as disoriented as the menacing flower was, you still nodded your head, "Please be careful, child." Toriel told you quietly as she handed you a backpack with snacks in it. Remembering what she told you after you left the RUINS door.

As the door opened, you bear in mind what Toriel had taught you. Beware of Asgore.

As the RUINS' door opened, a fresh, snowy breeze welcomed your skin. You felt the snow underneath your feet and feeling the cold breeze of winter and seizing another new place fills you with . . . D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

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