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Roc was in his room , watching Home Alone (He was 8) until he heard his mom & dad arguing. So he turned down the tv. (YN was at her friend's house BTW)

RM (Roc's Mom): I just cant take living here!

RD (Roc's Dad): So your just gonna abandon your child like this? How do you think he will feel?

RM: I dont care how he feels he's just a child. He already hates me.

RD: Roc doesnt hate you, you just dont spend times with him.

RM: Whatever.

Roc walks out his room & goes to his parents room.

Roc: Is mommy really leaving? *A tear comes from his eye*

RM: *Looks at Roc* You have your father in your life. You dont need me Roc. *Picks up her suitcases* I have better things to do than just stay here with a child that hates me.

Roc: But Ive never hated you mommy. Ive never did.

RM: I just gotta go. *Goes out the front door*

Roc: *Runs to his room & looks out the window. Tears was running down his face.*


My life is filled with depression!! My mom abandoned me, I wont be able to see my dad like that because he's in the army. I wish I can change my life.



Jaden: Roc?


After what Ray said I cant even stay here. If I stay here, Ima hurt somebody.


*Roc gets up & starts walking to his house*

Prod: Roc where are you going?!!

*Prince comes outside*

Prince: What the hell happened??

Jaden: Ray brought up Roc's past! & Now Roc is going home.

Prince: *Smacks Ray* Why the hell would you do that? You dont even know the whole story. & you even promised that you wouldnt bring up his past!! 

Prod: Exactly!!

*Roc walked in his house & closed the door. He went the kitchen & sat at the table. His phone ringed. He picked it up & answer.*

Roc: Hello??.... Speaking....Really...So she's... Ok. *A tear comes from his eye* Ill be there in 10. *Hangs up. Grabs his car keys & drives to the hospital. He walks in the hospital & goes to the back into your room.* ...YN??

You: Hey *Smiles* Where you crying??

Roc: Now that you asked.. yeah.

You: Why?

Roc: Ray brought up my past.

You: Why the hell did he do that?

Roc: I dont know. When I see him, he's gonna need to plan his funeral.

You: Oh gosh. *Laughs* 

Roc: So what did the doctor say?

You: Ill have to go home in 2 days.

Roc: Oh aight. How you feeling??

You: Im feeling alright.

Roc: Ok good. You & Ray still you know??

You: No. Im not interested in him anymore. Im interested in somebody else. *Smiles*

Roc: Who is that??


Ray Ray ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now