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Im at this group to get me some help. I dont know how much help Ima be getting, but I would need enough help to have me not put my hands on another female. So Im sitting at this table, with 2 other guys & a woman with a suit on. Shes pretty. We're talking about why we wanna get help.


The Lady: Soo Ima point to each of you, your gonna tell me your name, how old you are & why your here. Ok?

One Guy: What if we dont tell you why we're here.

The Lady: *Points to the door* Theres always the door. We'll start with you. You can go first. *Points to the guy*

One Guy: My name is Lorenzo. Yeah, Im 17. Im here because I need help controlling my anger. I took my anger out on my mom 2 days ago. *Points to his face* This is what happened.

The Lady: Lorenzo, you should know to never take your anger out on your mom. It dont matter how mad you were.

Lorenzo: I know that now.

*Everyone chuckles*

The Lady: Now you. *Points to Ray* 


When she picked me, I could feel everyone looking at me. It didnt bother me though.


Ray: My name is Ray Ray. Im 17. Im mainly here because Ive been hanging out with the wrong people. Also, I have been taking my anger out on my girl for a whole week. So my mom suggested that I should get help.

The Lady: Ok. Now you* points to another guy*

The Guy: Whattup, my name is Dante. Im 16. Im here because, whenever my girl does something, it always makes me angry. I put my hands on her & apoligize later..

The Lady: Well everyone, My name is Catya. Ive been in this group for like 5 years now. I always let people know how I feel, whether if they like it or not.  *Stands up* What yall need to know is to never put your hands on a girl. No matter how mad you are. It will make yall look stupid & weak. And you dont know whats gonna happen. They can call a loved one & get you beaten up. Not only that, they would be scared to talk to you. Yall really dont want that. This aint yall. Yall is following into someone's footsteps.

Ray: *Raises his hand* I think I got it from my dad. He used to abuse my mom all the time when he was mad. Even when he was drunk. *Puts his hand down*

Dante & Lorenzo: Same story broo.

Catya: And thats a bad thing. You dont wanna do the negative things that your fathers a re doing now. You wanna be different from them. You dont wanna get into fights or worse, get jumped.

Ray: I got no problem with fighting, but getting jumped? Thats a no no.

Becky: Oh my gosh! I just brought this dress!! Ugh!

Brian: Its alright, honey Ill handle this. 

Becky: *Stands up* You better. *Starts walking to the bathroom*

Brian: Whats with you two?

Prod: Its was a mistake alright? Calm yourself.

Ray Ray ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now