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Bruno decided that he wanted to take me to this little bar or something to show how sorry he is. I really dont think that he did it on purpose but... Whatever. I mean... I really dont hate him. Im actua;;y souped that Im still living.


Bruno: Ready?

You: *Fixing your hair* Yeah.. *Looks at him* 

Bruno: *Holds his hand out*

You: *Grabs his hand*

Alicia: Why do you hate me?

Roc: *Shaking his head* And you still talking -_-

Alicia: I just wanna know what I did to you Roc.

Roc: I really dont like you. Your too extra. You start alot of shit.. Your ratchet. I dont want chu near me. In fact, I dont want you breathing the same air that I am breathing -_-

Alicia: Soo... you dont like me b-

Roc: Bye Felicia

Alicia: Thats not my n-

Roc: Bye :)

Alicia: *Mumbles* Fuck you *Starts walking out the kitchen*

Roc: I know how bad you want to... *Continues eating his fruit salad*


4 Hours Later


Its night time again :/ I didnt feel like being around anyone at this moment soo... Im sitting on the sand watching the waves.



What the hell is up with Prince? -_- Hes acting like hes the ONLY one that misses Rachel. Shit I miss her too but I wouldnt worry about that in the Bahamas. Like come on, we're here to have the time of our lives..


*You & Bruno walks in the house & goes in the kitchen*

Bruno: Hey Roc.

Roc: Wassup? Where yall been?

Bruno: We was at a mini bar.

Roc: -_- And you couldnt take a nigga with you?

You: *Looks at Bruno*

Bruno: *Chuckles* Sorry Roc. Maybe next time.

Roc: Im just kidding. I hope yall had fun.

Sherae: *Comes in the kitchen* Hey.. Yall seen Kay? :o

You: I aint see her all day.

Sherae: Oh god.. *Runs out the kitchen*

You: Wait. *Follows her* 


I woke up in the upstairs bath tub. Its filled with water. I have my clothes on for some reason O_O I jumped out the bath tub & looked in the mirror. My eyeliner is smeared, my hair is all frizzy, & my eyes are red from all that crying. I took one more look at the bath tub & saw 8 cans of coors light floating in the water.. I dont know what happened after that, I continued to cry about what happened between me & Zarius..



YN & I found that the upstairs bathroom is locked. We started knocking on the door. YN got tired of knocking so she kicked the door open. We saw Kay sitting on the toilet (Not using the bathroom) with her hands buried in her face.


Sherae: Kay? *Touches her shoulder*

Kay: *Moves her hands from her face* 

You: Oh my god. *Closes the door* What happen-

Kay: Im fine. *Looking at you & Sherae*

Sherae: Kay-

Kay: Really guys, Im fine.

Sherae: Nothing is gonna get better if you keep on holding all this in your mind.

Kay: Im fine. *Wipes her face*

You: How long have you been in here?

Kay: A few hours.

You: *Looks in the bath tub & looks back at Kay* Kay, you can tell us what happened.. We can help you through this.

Kay: I told you like 3 times, Im fine. Please.. Leave.

Sherae: No.

Kay: Please.

Sherae: Im here for you.

You: Me too.

*You & Sherae hugged Kay*

Ray Ray ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now