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Im soo confused about Sherae at this point. Kay is suppose to be your friend but your messing around with her bf. Im sorry Sherae, but I lost all respect fo-


Christina: Hi *Smiles*

You: Hi *Smiles* Are you lost ?

Christina: Nah. *Chuckling* Im staying here. I hope that doesnt bother y-

You: Noo.. No. Its cool with me :) Whats your name?

Christina: Christina 

You: Hi Christina, Im YN 

Christina: Nice to meet you.

You: You gotta meet Kay. Shes  really cool. 

Christina: Ok.

*You started walking to the bathroom & opened the door*

Christina: O_O Theres no one in there?

You: Yeah. Kay is in here. Come in. Shes not using the bathroom.

Kay: Who is that?

Christina: *Walks in & closes the door* Hi :)

You: Kay, this is Christina. Christina this is Kay.

Kay: Oh. Hey, your staying here too?

Christina: Yeah.

Kay: Cool. As long as your not bitchy or jealous, we'll get along just fine.

Christina: Believe me, Im a nice person. 

Kay: Where you from?

Christina: Atlanta..

Kay: Damn.. I always wanted to go there.

Christina: Oh trust me honey, you dont wanna be up there. Theres alot of jealous bitches up there. Like you can walk by a bitch & they will automatically start talking about chu. I dont take nobody's shit. Thats how fights are started.

*You & Kay gives Christina a high five*

Kay: We gucci!

Prod: You keep on switching !

Prince: No Im not ! Your just jealous that Im better than you in Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Prod: Yeah, your good at fucking cheating.

Prince: I wasnt cheating!!

Prod: Are you yelling at me?

Prince: I aint cheating !!

Prod: And you still yelling!

Prince: What are you gonn-

Prod: *Throws a pillow at him* Shut up...

Roc: That new girl is sexy as-

Myles: Fuck outta here bruh! I call-

Bruno: Yoo chill..

Roc: Nah, stick to your pillow!

Myles: Thats Princeton!

Roc: I should buy that girl something then she would automatically fall in love with me. *Runs out the beach house*

Myles: Bish whet? *Follows him*

Bruno: Whatever happened to going swimming ? 


These boys are crazy..


Alicia: What do you think of this? *Comes out of her closet*

Ariel:  I keep on telling you this,  Roc doesnt want chu.

Alicia: He will when Im done with him

Ariel: I really want Bruno...

Ray Ray ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now