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Me being really stupid, I rolled off the bed & crashed on the floor. I noticed I was on top of my clothes. I quickly put my clothes back on.. Did me & Roc hav- Noo.. we couldn't- But what if we d- WAAAAAAAAAH


Sherae: *Walks out of Roc's room & walks into the bathroom* What the hell happen?

Roc: Do you miss her?

Ray: Yes..

Roc: Then get back with her, you miss her & she definitely misses your loony ass.

Ray: *Laughs* I just wanna be friends with her, just for right now..

Roc: Aight, bro..

*Alicia walks in*

Alicia: GoodMorning *Smiles at Roc & Ray*

Ray: *Looks at his wrist & stands up* Would you look at the time, I gotta go & talk to YN..

Roc: *Stands up* And I gotta go power cruising outside... Bye *Runs out the back door*

Alicia: What did I do?


I walked back into Ray's room & laid on his bed. (I was wearing a robe) I seriously have a headache from last night. I still cant believe me & Ray had s-


Ray: *Walks in his room & closes the door* Hey *Smiles* Your awake..

You: *Sits up* Yeah.. *Smiles alittle* Ray I need to talk to you..

Ray: *Sits next to you* About?

You: About last night.. H-How did we-

Ray: Well.. I was taking you in your room but, I had to put my phone on the charger. Soo I took you in my room for a sec, & plugged the charger into my phone. You laid on my bed & said that you was comfortable.. Then you told me to come here.. I sat next to you & you started kissing me & removing my clothes..

You: O_O Are you serious?

Ray: I wouldn't lie.. But everyone was fucked up yesterday.. it wasn't just me & you..

You: *Smirks* I know.. Kay & Zarius..

Ray: Roc & Sher-

You: Woah! Roc had sex with Sherae?

Ray: Yup.. He said it was amazing

You: Damn XD

35 Minutes Later...


After doing power cruising, I decided to chill on the sand.. I was enjoying the weather until someone blocked the sun..


Ariel: Hi Roc *Smiles*

Roc: Uhmm.. have we met? :o

Ariel: No.. but, Im Ariel *Holds out her hand*

Roc: And Im Ro-

Ariel: I know *Smiles*


*Whispering* Something is telling me that this girl is a stalker.. How in the hell does she know my name? *Looking around* Im scared to take a shower now, next thing you know, you can be in the middle of taking your shower & the bitch appears with a bar of soap saying "you missed a spot" *Runs out the room*


Roc: Alright then..

Ariel: Your not gonna shake my hand?

Roc: Nah, I don't shake hands unless Im applying for a job.

Ariel: Oh, well.. I think your really cute.

Roc: Thanks, I get that a lot..

Ariel: Soo.. what do you think of me?

Roc: *Looks at Ariel* You really wanna know?

Ariel: *Shakes her head*

Roc: I think your weave is off point :)

Ariel: That's all?

Roc: Hell to the yeah..

Ariel: *Scratches her nose*

Roc: *Looks at her* What did you just do? *Looks at her hand*

Ariel: ... I scratched my n-

Roc: No you didn't, you picked your nose O_O

Ariel: No.. I didn't

Roc: Ew, *Gets up* Major Turn off.. !!*Starts walking in the house*


Ray Ray ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now