Continued :O

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*You two strapped up & Ray pulled off.*

You: So what restaraunt are we going to?

Ray: Just one of my favorites *Driving*

You: Can you give me a hint?

Ray: Its all you can eat. *Laughs*

You: Uhhmm...... I dont know.

Ray: I had a feeling you was gonna say that *Smiles*

You: Another hint?

Ray: Nope *Laughs*

You: Come on please??

Ray: Its a suprise..

You: Uhuh.

*Ray pulled up in front of Red Lobster 20 minutes later. He got out the car & help you out the car. You both walked into Red Lobster & saw Roc, Prince & Prod at a table just laughing....Y'all both sat at their table*

Ray: What are y'all doing here?

Roc: Well.... we was with my girl at first until she started acting all bitchy as usual.. so I dumped her & we all was hungry so we came here to eat, drink & chill.

You: You steady breaking up with her.. You 2 gonna get back together.

Roc: Hell naw!! She be getting me mad as hell..

Prince: That argument was funny as hell though!! She tried to throw a chair at him!

Roc: But she missed.

Prince: I know.. & that was the sad part.

Roc: -_-

Ray Ray ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now