Chapter 18

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I woke up this morning thanking god it was Saturday. My mom walked into the room.

"Ash honey, we're going out to eat for lunch today,"

"Since when have you wanted to take u out for lunch?"

She sat down on my bed, "Listen Ash, I know we've been arguing a lot lately and I just want to get away from all of that stress. Can we do that?"


"I love you honey. Get ready," she kissed me on my head and went downstairs.

I hopped out my bed and walked over to my closet. I pulled out my KISS tank top and a pair of skinny jeans, then put them on. I grabbed my white Chucks out my closet and ran downstairs. It was just Isaiah downstairs. I was guessing she was starting the car for us.


"Please don't yell at me again,"

"I won't. Listen I want to say sorry,"

"It's okay, I'm sorry too," he said as he hugged me.

"You guys ready?" My mom said as she walked in.

"Yes!" Me and Isaiah yelled as we ran outside to the car.

Isaiah and I sat down in the car and my mom started driving to.. Wherever we were going.

A bit later we arrived at Nando's. Me and Isaiah got out the following my mom. We walked into the restaurant.

"A table for 3 please," my mother said to the lady.

We followed behind her as she showed us to our table. We sat down and read our menus.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom," I got up and started walking to the bathroom.

As I was walking I tripped over someone's foot.

"Ouch!" I said as I bumped into a waiter.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" We said at these me time as I slowly turned around.

Wait a second, I recognized that waiter! It was Niall!



"Hey!" We yelled as we hugged each other.

"Oh my gosh! So what's up!" I asked.

"I just moved back to Lakewood yesterday actually and I'm working here now to get some money an I go to school on Monday,"

"Well that's good! You're going to Lakewood High School?"


"Awesome! It'll be just like seventh grade! Sarah and Carly moved back,"

"Really? That's awesome! Well I got to get back to work, but I'm off tomorrow, so maybe we can catch up tomorrow?"

"Sure! I can make that work! You know how much my mom loves you,"

He laughed, "I sure do. Here," he grabbed a pen and ripped a piece of paper, then wrote his number on it and handed it to me. "Text me,"

"Sure thing. See you tomorrow, hopefully," I continued walking to the bathroom and he continued working.

I left the bathroom and walked back to my table.

"Mom, guess who I just ran into,"

"Who honey?"


"Are you serious? That's my buddy!"

"You saw Niall? Where!" Isaiah budded in.

"He works here!"

"I got to go find him!"

Isaiah and Niall were even better friends than Niall and I. Well not really, they were just really good best friends that told each other everything.

"Anyway, so mom, i was wondering if i could hang out with Niall tomorrow to like catch up with him?"

"Sure honey, as long as it's with Niall i don't mind,"

"Yes! Thanks mom!"

I couldn't wait to hang out with Niall tomorrow! I was too excited to catch up with him.

A bit later the waiter came over and we ordered. After we ate, we left Nando's and went straight home.

As soon as we got home I ran straight upstairs and grabbed my phone. I typed in Niall's number and texted him,

"Hey Niall! I can hang tomorrow,"

I plugged my phone up on the charger then fell asleep.

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