Chapter 60

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I'm still at the fact that Liam brought me into this shit.

I'm not the one who wanted alcohol, nor am I the one who needs to be in jail.

Jail looks a bit like school.

You have the office or desk people at the front entrance, then you have the cells that play the role of a classroom, and lastly, just past the classrooms, you have the cafeteria.

I guess that's why people refer a school to jail. Hm.

I walked over to the desk lady. She seemed a bit too nice to be working at such a pitiful place.

"Visitor?" She asked with a smile.

"Uh.. No. I'm here for uh, my son."

"You sound so tense. Don't let the mean glares those kids in the cells give you, throw you off. They won't do anything."

A smile wiped across my face.

"I guess I'm just a bit nervous. My son is in a place like this."

"Wait. You said son? You look a bit, young."

"Oh, why thank you."

"Do you use any aging products?"

"Nope. My face is just.. Really soft looking."

"Wow.. Well, what's your son's name?"

"Liam. Liam Payne."

"Well, Mrs. Payne, Liam is right down the hall to your left, in the front office."

"Thank you."

I walked down the hall until I saw Liam and some detective guy in an office. I walked inside.

"Mrs. Payne?"



"We have your son right here."

"Liam Payne! What in the bloody hell were you thinking?" I tried to pull off a British accent.


"Wait, are you his mother or his sister?" the detective interrupts.

"M-Mother of course."

"You look very young. I'm young myself."

"Haha, yea. Liam and I need to get going."

"Well, I need you to confirm that you picked him up by signing this." he says as he hands me a paper with a whole bunch of words jumbled onto it, and a pen.

I grab the pen and paper out of his hand and he begins to uncuff Liam.

I began skimming over the paper until I reached the end which required my signature.

"Do you have anything to drink?" Liam asks once he's completely uncuffed.

"In the backroom, there's a fridge, you can get something out of there."

Liam walks straight to the backroom and begins searching for a soda.

I signed the paper then handed it back to the detective man.

His eyes gazed over the paper as he read every word written on it.

"Ms. Payne, is it?"


"How old are you, Ms. Payne?"

"F-Forty two."

I hope.

"Well, I'll be damned! We're the same age!"

Shit fuck.

"So, are you single?"

I had no clue if Liam had a father in his life or not. I never exactly saw him around.

"Uh, uh, I-I, uh,"

I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Actually, no. She's happily taken, by Mr. Payne."

Damn it, Liam.

"Aha, yea. What he said. We should uh, be going now."

"Very uh, affectionate."

"No! Just lots of love within this family!"

"Yep. Lots and lots of love." Liam joins in and plants a kiss upon my cheek.

"I love my mommy."

Liam and I burst into a fit of laughter.

"Well, Ms. Payne, do you want the liquor since Liam was buying it for you?"

"Uh yea."

He hands me the liquor and I grab it from him.

"Well, see you again sometime. Bye!"

We ran out of the jail and straight to the car.

As soon as we hopped in and buckled up, I let all hell loose.

"Liam. What the flying fuck were you thinking!!"

"Chill, Ash. I didn't stay in jail and I got my alcohol. We're straight. Sometimes you need to stop stressing."

"Stop stressing? How the hell can I not stress when I'm worried about never seeing you again?"



"Can you see me now?"


"Ok then. Shut the fuck up and enjoy seeing me."

I wanted to laugh really hard, but I just covered it up with a straight face.

"Whatever. Time?"


We had literally been out for 2 hours and how many ever minutes.

"What do you wanna do now?"

"Well, we need to go change and grab the boards. And I wanna take a couple shots."

"The boards and changing, sure, but you ain't drink until we get back from skating! You can't skate drunk!"

"I'll be the first to accomplish that."

"No, Liam. You'll just pass out and land on your head."

"Well, if you don't want me drunk, maybe you can stop me."

"And how is that?"

"Oh, I think you know." A smirk came across his face.

I know exactly what he's thinking.

"Ha, never in your wildest dreams."

"It'll happen one day. Maybe today, if I'm lucky."

"You're disgusting." I roll my eyes.

"But you love it."


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