Chapter 48

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I still continued my way home, embarrassed to be seen by anyone. I felt as if everyone on earth thought I was a hoe, not just the people who saw me get called one.

Niall was right. What I did was absolutely wrong. I shouldn't have played with their emotions. All because of my selfish ways, Niall probably hates me and wants nothing to do with me, and to be honest, I would to.

Finally making it to my house, I walked up to my door and opened it. I walked inside and ran straight to the couch. I laid down smothering my face into the couch arm and just cried hard. I began to feel a sharp thumping pain in my head.

"I'm so stupid! I should just die!" I mumbled to myself.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, holding it over my wrist as I cried over the sink.

"No! What am I doing," I threw the knife down and sat on the floor crying. I knew this was a sign of my period kicking in. It always made me over dramatic.

I sat and thought to myself. I guess Liam thinks I'm a hoe too, he didn't even bother to show up and check on me, or maybe he's not at school yet. I dug into my back pocket and pulled out my phone.

Me: Liam, I need you right now.

No answer.

Me: Liam, please!

No answer.

Me: Liam..

No answer.

Liam's POV

Damn. 1 week suspension for nearly beating a bitch who deserved it, my mom's going to be pissed.

I walked through the halls of eyes gawking at my badass.

I felt 3 vibrations coming from my back pocket, I pulled it out to see I had 3 new messages. Before I could even see who they were from, my phone was yanked out of my hand.

"I'm keeping this," my mom said glaring at me.

"Why the hell did I get called to this school, Liam? You know I can get fired, right?"

I handed her the slip for my suspension.

"You pinned a girl to a fucking locker! What were you thinking! Go to the car, now!"

As soon as I got into that car I wanted to kill myself. I had to listen to this dumb ass lecture all the way home talking about how it's not right to touch girls in a bad way.

Eh, it's not like I was acknowledging her anyway. While she was talking I was thinking about if Ash knew about what happened between me and Lindsey. I wonder if those texts were from her. I wasn't going to find out anytime soon.

"Do you understand, Liam?"

"Uh, yea. When can I get my phone back?"

"When you're off suspension, no earlier than that,"

"That's too long for something that wasn't even my fault,"

"You pinned her to a locker, Liam! A girl! That's unacceptable no matter what the reason!"

"If she spread a rumor saying you had HIV I'm sure you would've too!"

"Wait, she said that?"

"Yes, mom,"

"That's not too nice. Well, I'll tell you what, you can get your phone back in 3 days,"


"Don't push it, Liam,"


I got out the car and walked up to the front door. I opened the door and walked over to the couch and rested.

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