Chapter 5

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I woke up this morning and threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a cropped top, and my Toms. I did my hair, brushed my teeth, and walked downstairs spotting Isaiah, my mom, and my father. They had breakfast laid out for me. I sat down at the table and began eating. "Good morning," My mother said. "Good morning," I said while chewing. My mother gave me a dirty look, I didn't really care considering she does that look often. I ate really quickly then headed out the door. Ever since my friends left it's like they took my happy side with them.

"Ash!!" yelled Isaiah while chasing after me. I turned around. "Yes?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong,"

"You sure?"


Ending the conversation, I jumped on the bus and took my seat in the back. I lied, there was something wrong, but it didn't apply to them, so they didn't need to know.

When I arrived at school, I was used to the routine already, unpack and get to class. I walked to my locker, opened it, and started unpacking.

"Ash?" said a voice while tapping my shoulder.

I turned around to face Isaiah, "Yes?"

"Are you positive you're okay?

Suddenly, I felt a vibration coming from my phone. I reached in my back pocket and grabbed my phone, receiving a text in a group message from Carly and Sarah. When I opened it up, I couldn't have been more happier. The text had said, "We're moving back to Lakewood and we're going to your school!!! Our parents' jobs are causing us to move back!!! We're so freaking excited!!"

When I read it I started jumping up and down, this day just got slightly better. I quickly texted back, "OMG! No way! When are you coming back?"


"I'm so freaking happy! We're just missing Niall now. Have you guys heard from him?"

"I know and nope not since he's moved, every time I try he never replies, but I do follow him on Instagram and currently he's in a relationship with a girl name Lizzie, he's never been happier."

"That's great! I just really miss him, well I gotta get to class! Can't wait to see you guys again! Bye!"

"Yeah we all do, and ha! We have to stay home and pack, bye Love!"

I put my phone back in my pocket. Niall was my best friend, if he was happy then I was happy. I continued unpacking then headed for class.

As I was walking to class I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I stopped walking and turned around.

"Yes, Liam?"

"Liam? This is clearly Terra! Hey Ash!" Terra said.

"Oh sorry, hey Terra!" I said while wiping my eyes

Terra reached into her bag, pulling out an invitation and handing it to me.

"Here! This is from Ebony!! You know she's the most popular girl ever and she's having an all invite party tomorrow night! You got to go! Are you going to try to come?"

"Hmmm, I'll try!"

"Awesome! You got to go, everyone's coming!"

"I'll try, but what if I can't?"

"Do what I do, sneak out," she whispered.

"Sneak out!! I can't sneak out! I've never ever snuck out! What if I get caught? No!"

"Calm down! It's not as scary as those teenagers on movies make it. You won't get caught, trust me!"

"Fine, I'll try and come,"

"YAY! Okay, to release stress, if you have to sneak out text me and I'll come pick you up, deal?"

"Yes! Deal!"

"Oh yea, please bring Isaiah!"

I rolled my eyes, this girl really likes my cousin and to be honest I think he likes her too!

"I'll make sure to bring him.."

"Super! Well, I'll see you at lunch! Bye!" she walked away.

I walked into my class and took my seat next to Liam. Surprisingly he didn't say a word to me. He just sat there leaning back in his seat and rolling his pencil around. I stared at him for 2 minutes then turned to face the front again.

"Liam? You okay?" I asked.

"Huh, yea. I'm just trying to figure out if I want to go to this party or not. Are you going?"

"Yea, I'm going to try,"

"I want to go, but Lindsey doesn't want to,"

"Why's it up to her, it's your life, right? Go if you want to,"

"You're right, I'll go. You better be there too,"

"Trust me, I'll try my hardest to go and if I can't I'll sneak out,"

"You? Sneak out? You don't seem at all like that kind of girl,"

"That's because I'm not," I laughed.

"Your friends making you sneak out?"

"Yep, Terra is,"

"Sounds like something Terra would do,"

"You know Terra? How?"

"We went to camp together in the first grade, I don't think she remembers though,"

"That makes sense, so y'all were friends at a point?"

"I guess you could say that, she would always get in trouble and always tried to get me in trouble, but I was the good kid."

"That's hard to believe..."

"What? How's that hard to believe?"

"You seem like this hardcore guy,"

"Well I guess you don't know me too well, now do you?"

"I guess not,"

"Well I guess I'll have to prove myself at this party,"

"Guess so!"

He smiled and turned back facing forward. Suddenly I had to go to this party tomorrow night and I was willing to do anything, everything to go.

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