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The world was dark for I'm not sure how long. The only thing I could keep thinking about is how I failed. I wasn't good enough. I didn't even stand two minutes among a girl around my skill level.

Maybe I'm not cut out to be a wolf.

Maybe.. Just maybe.. The moon goddess made a mistake and she's trying to fix it by keeping me human.

No. No. She couldn't. The moon goddess doesn't make mistakes.

"Come on Em.. Wake up."  A feminine voice sighed.  I could start to feel pressure on my hand. Was someone squeezing it?

"Maybe we should go and let her rest." Another voice, manly, said softly. "She's probably exhausted, there's nothing we can do." A groan was heard through the room, and then the soft click of the door.

At least you still have friends. I thought to myself. My eyes were still to heavy to lift, so I let sleep overtake me again.


Just outside the room, a group of people waited for Emmilyn, but not all were for the same reason.

"She's a waste of space. She's eating all our food and she can do nothing to contribute. The pack isn't big enough for a human. We've never allowed humans to know what we are, so why start with her?" An angry voice said in a harsh whisper.

"Do not talk about my sister that way! She was born and raised here! She will get her wolf soon, I just know it!" Braden whispered back as fiercely as the first whisper.

"You're just letting your feelings get in the way. Think Braden, what is better for the pack? It's wasteful for her to be here. She could thrive much better in society." The voice said again.

"Leave Emmilyn alone, it's not her fault." The feminine voice, Lucie, muttered. She rubbed her face with her hands, she could tell this wasn't going to end well.

"Everyone leave. I demand that everyone leave Emmilyn alone." A voice boomed, the Alpha.

The Pack Doctor nodded and started for Emmilyn's door.

"I said everyone- and that's an order! Even you Jeff!"

The Doctor gave a confused look and quickly bowed his head and hurried out the room, not bothering to look back to his patient.

Alpha Clemmons looked around as the area was clear and turned the door knob, slowly slipping into Emmilyn's room and shutting the door quietly.


I slowly started to come back to, my eyelids fluttering slightly. My foot twitched rapidly, as a groan came through my lips. I could feel a presence in the room with me. My entire body stilled, an eerie feeling spreading through out my limbs.

"Are you awake?" A gruff voice asked.

That almost sounds like Alpha Clemmons, but why would he be coming to visit me? I'm nothing but an Omega, and he would never even think about visiting one.

Alpha Clemmons signed, running a hand through his hair and shooting a heated flare towards Emmilyn. His foot slowly tapped against the ground as he watched her every move.

I slowly breathed, doing my best to impersonate my sleeping behaviors. I knew he was here for a reason, and it wasn't for a chat.

I was about to give up when about twenty minutes later, he spoke again.

"Emmilyn, you must know by now you're special. And I will not have you endanger my pack."

My brain started turning, trying to come up with a valid reason for why the Alpha was speaking to me like this. And I came up with nothing.

"You're a damn Omega for crying out loud. I would never have guessed you would be capable of something like this."

What the hell was he talking about? I'm not special? I can't even talk to my freaking wolf, why would I endanger the pack?

He stood up, the chair making a screeching sound as it slid back. "You're never going to meet your wolf." And with that, Alpha Clemmons stormed out of the room; slamming the door behind him.

What is going on? I sat up quickly in my bed, putting my hands against my face. "Is this real?" I moaned and slowly moved to get off the bed. The minute my feet hit the floor, my legs went out from under me like jelly. "What the hell.." I groaned and crawled towards the door, grabbing the handle and pulling myself up. Once I had steadied myself, I pushed the lock on the door handle. I knew it couldn't stop a werewolf from coming in, but it could buy me extra time.

As I slowly began to pace the room, random thoughts of what Alpha Clemmons had said kept repeating itself.

Am I really special?

I sighed and slowly walked to the filing cabinet by the door, my fingers trailing the side of each folder until they stopped on my name. Carefully looking around, I slipped it out and opened up the folder.


Emmilyn Bell; 17 years old
Treatment: 1ml of Wolfsbane
2ml of silver extract
Pinch of Belladonna'

I slowly pinched my side to see if I was in a dream. Nothing but the slight pinch, I wasn't dreaming.

"Why would they inject me with deadly ingredients?" I murmured, rubbing my finger over the word Belladonna, which was nightshade. "Is this what they give me every month?" I rubbed my hands against my temple, a dull ache starting to throb.

"Emmilyn?" A knock on the door was heard, the pack Doctor had returned to check on his patient. "Why is the door locked! Let me in immediately!"

I threw the paper back into my file, looking for an escape. The only option was the window, and I knew for a fact I couldn't outrun a full werewolf. Slowly, I slipped back onto the bed and fake slept, my breathing struggling to seem normal.

A busting sound made me jump up, wide eyed as the pack Doctor stood, a malicious glint in his eye. Pieces of door shard flew everywhere as he huffed, not from exhaustion, but anger.

"Why would you lock the door Emmilyn?" He growled, his brown eyes turning to a darker brown.

"I- I was going to change so I didn't want anyone to walk in, but then I couldn't find any clothes so I laid back down. I guess I forgot to unlock the door." I shrugged, my eyes batting innocently.

"Then why didn't you unlock the door when I asked." He grumbled, his weight shifting as he crossed his arms.

"I was asleep.. I didn't hear you.."

He chuckled and leaned in close, "Werewolves have excellent hearing, my dear."

My blood chilled slightly, he knew something that I didn't. "I'm.. I'm not full wolf yet.." I said gently, my voice breaking at the end.

If I could play this off, maybe, just maybe.. I could escape.

"I'm aware. I'm sure you'll find your wolf soon." He chuckled, a joking look crossed his face before it disappeared a minute later. "You'll find her," he grumbled and pointed to the door. "Out."

I nodded my head and quickly hurried out, little pieces of wood crushing under my feet.

Everything was not what it seemed.

Authors Note

Guys please spread the word of my story. I really hope you all like it. Again, I'm open to critiques or feedback. Until next time!

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