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Who could I talk to? Who could I confide in with this new piece of information?

Lucie? Maybe.. I'm not sure about her lately. She's been acting really weird around me, and it's starting to make me second guess her. I mean, I really like her.. But she's been acting. Really suspicious. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

Braden? Braden would probably tell our parents, and they would for sure take it to the Alpha. Then I'm not sure what would happen to all of us.

Tyler? Tyler's always been there for me. I probably trust him the most, except for Braden.

"I need to talk to Tyler." I muttered to myself, a dull ache in my head and a couple bruises was all I had, so I'm sure it wouldn't kill me to go looking for him.

Since I was at the Pack Doctor, I was currently in the middle of our 'town'. As odd as it may seem, werewolf villages were about as normal as a human town. He had a doctor, a couple shops, and right in the center was the Pack House. It was for any of the pack members to go hang out in, or if they had no place to stay, the Alpha was generous enough to let them live there. Actually, a lot of people preferred to live in the pack house.

The Omegas were welcome in the pack house in the rules, but it didn't mean we didn't get harsh glares from our pack mates. We were the outcast, and the sooner we accepted it, the better.

Tyler's family was well off, and they lived on the good side of town. His family was different, they were accepting of my status as an Omega, while Lucie's family wasn't as accepting.

I started the long walk towards Tyler's house. I had to get this off my chest. A vibration in my back pocket caused me to yelp, tripping slightly. Several people stopped to look at me, giving me a harsh glare before continuing on. My cheeks reddened slightly. "Sorry." I mumbled, fiddling in my back pocket to fish my phone out. "Speak of the devil." I chuckled as I read the text from Tyler.

'Hey chica, how do you feel?'

'Other then passing out, pretty good :p'

I thought for a moment before adding on another text.

'Meet at our secret place?'

'Be there in 5'

I changed my direction, heading to our secret spot in the woods.

I used to believe I was in really well shape for being a human , but now I seriously doubt it. I've only been running for about 5 minutes when I felt my insides twist. I slowed to a stop and crouched down, panting heavily as I took in my surroundings. I was only about a couple minutes away from our secret spot, so I got back up and began the walk to it.

Our secret spot was at the very end of our territory. There was a hedge with a hole underneath, and you would slip down inside it. Underneath was like an old cave, with a tiny underground spring. It was truly a beautiful place that we had stumbled upon one day when we went to collect herbs for the pack Doctor.

These are the times that I wished I had my wolf.

"Em, you slowpoke!" A teasing call was heard.

I grinned, sticking my tongue out to him. "I can't help it, I'm not a wolf, wolfy."

He chuckled, "Who are you calling wolfy, uhm.. I got nothing." His face flashed a shade of red as he scratched the back of his neck. "So uhm, what's up? Why did you want to meet?"

I sighed and grabbed his wrist, slipping down the hole into the secret cave. "I don't want anyone to hear us. I'm so confused at what's going on and I'm not sure who I can trust."

Tyler's eyes flashed concern, his hand moving to my arm, "Are you okay? What's going on?" He asked, looking around us to scan the surroundings.

"I'm okay, but truthfully I don't know what's going on. That's why I'm with you, I want to see if you can make any sense of what Alpha Clemmons said." I said lowly, looking down to his hand. Had he always been this touchy?

"Tell me." He demanded, his eyes flashing black and then back to their normally color. Tyler looked down to his hand and withdrew it as he noticed me looking down at it.

"Well Alpha Clemmons came to visit me while I was hurt, he thought I was asleep but I wasn't," I cleared my throat and fiddled with the tip of my hair. "He told me I was special and then told me that he wouldn't let me hurt his pack, and he was going to make sure of it."

Tyler said nothing, he just looked at me with a blank face.

"Then I was snooping around the Pack Doctor's files, and there was something about a Treatment with my name on it. The ingredients could harm an actual werewolf." I rubbed my hands over my face, a look of pure horror going into my eyes. I hadn't realized it until I said it out loud.

"I- I think that they're not trying to help my wolf come out."

In a moment, Tyler lurched forward and embraced me in a bone crushing hug. It was completely unexpected and I stilled, registering what happened. Then I slowly leaned against him and hugged him back.

In a low voice, where I could barely hear him, he whispered into my hair. "I won't let anyone hurt you."


A pounding head ache awoke me from my deep sleep. "How did I get here." I grumbled, my voice laced with sleep. I looked around, my eyes focusing on the four walls that surrounded me. I was in my room, but how did I get here? I looked down and grabbed my phone that was sitting on the little table next to my bed. It was the next day. I stood up and walked to my door, carefully opening it and listening to the sounds around the house. The tv was on, and it sounded as if there were people in the living room.

"Mom?" I mumbled, shuffling my way into the living room.

She looked up, "Hey honey, how are you feeling?"

"A little light headed, but other then that I'm fine." I looked around, she was home early from work, and still in her maid outfit. "Why are you home early?"

She looked at me in confusion, "Em, it's the 15th."

I stilled, my whole body going rigid. The 15th of every month I was supposed to go to the Pack Doctor and receive my shot that was supposed to help bring my wolf back.

"Mom I don't want to take the shots anymore. I want to discontinue that treatment," I explained slowly, crossing my arms. She gave me a shocked look, hurt seeing into her eyes. "Maybe she will come on her own, maybe the treatment isn't helping." I said quickly, trying. To get her on my side.

"I don't want to talk about this, Emmilyn Marie. We went to so much trouble to actually convince the Alpha the treatment was worth it for you. Do you understand how hard your father and I bust our asses everyday just to have you allowed for that privilege?"

Tears filled my eyes, "I don't want to do it!"

She gave me a stern look, one that I'm not used to. "Get your ass outside."

I looked down and did as she said, I owed her this much. She really did so much for me, the least I could do for her was get the shots that she worked so hard for.

I held my breath and started the walk to the Pack Doctor, something odd was going on and I was going to find out.

Authors note
Feedback? You can comment or send a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Do you guys like this- or should I just scrap this novel? Emmilyn is pictured above.

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