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I waited until the sun was just starting to cast light over the field by the barn. I wasn't one to be up early in the mornings, and as irritable as I am now, I truly regret it. Watching the sun set a golden glow over the grass was truly a remarkable sight. Slowly but surely, the sun lit up the world and casted its warmness.

"Okay Ryder, are you ready to go?" I asked nervously, rubbing his nose with my bare hand. During the night, Trudy brought me a small bag filled with food and other necessities inside. She also gave me several large plastic bags to put some of Ryder's grain in.

She didn't even know me but she wanted the best for me, and that's what made Trudy a remarkable person that I will never forget.

I slipped the bag onto my shoulders, tightening the straps so that they wouldn't fly off, and walked over to the wall to grab Ryder's halter. The soft leather shifted in my hands as I set it onto his head, slipping it behind his ears and then clasping it together. I took a deep breath and grabbed the soft rope reins that connected to his halter and clipped them on. I chose to not take a bridle, mainly because the halter was the smarter choice for the journey we were going on.

I led Ryder out of his stall, his black bay coat shining under the barn lights as he obediently followed my every move. "Disobedient my ass." I mumbled and walked him out of the barn, the old mare nickering a goodbye as we passed her stall door.

I had experience riding horses, so I wasn't to afraid of the gelding. I just couldn't understand why the equine had chosen to like me so quickly. From what I could understand, he was an unruly beast who didn't like anyone. I shrugged and walked him over to the fence, sliding the reins over top of his head. He stood patiently by the fence as I started to climb up it, waiting for me to mount.

"Hey, get your ass off my horse!" A voice called, slamming the door behind them.

"Shit." I muttered and swung my leg over top of the gelding, immediately pressing my legs against his sides to ask him to canter.

A gunshot filled the air, the bullet flashing by my eyes. Ryder reared, his sharp hooves slashing through the air. Then with a que from my leg, we were off; cantering down the lane as if the devil himself was at our heels.


One thing I learned from riding Ryder is that after awhile, your butt begins to ache. Especially since I'm riding bareback.

"Easy Ryder, easy boy." I murmured soothingly as he slowed to a brisk trot, and then down to a relaxed walk. Sweat glinted on the side of his neck as he took deep breaths, his sides moving quickly with each intake of air. Finally he let out a sigh and hung his head, clearly he wasn't in shape for this kind of journey. I chuckled softly and patted his neck, rubbing it gently. "Good boy." I smiled and slid off of his back, digging into the bag for one of the horse cookies I had found in the barn. I beamed as I held my hand out to him, offering the cookie. Ryder pricked his ears and leaned forward, nibbling gently and then taking the treat into his mouth and chewing it. I looked in the bag, looking for a snack for myself as I heard footsteps approaching.

Quickly, I hopped up onto Ryder's back again, his body tensing as he pranced in place, snorting as his eyes widened; looking for the approaching danger. The footsteps began to come from all around us, coming at a more rapid pace. Ryder snorted loudly, taking a hoof and striking the ground.

My eyes scanned the tree line, seeing no approaching danger. I looked to the left, noticing an open field. Then I took the reins and pointed him towards it, not even bothering to look behind us as I began nudging his sides with my feet, urging him onwards.

Ryder was proving to be a faithful companion, and I was already thankful for him.

He galloped onwards, his stride quickening with each step. Even with the approaching danger, I felt a strange sense of freedom and belonging. My eyes closed as I held my hands up into the air, grinning as Ryder nickered loudly.

The next thing I know is Ryder's hurried whinny as he extends to an even faster gallop, his breath quickening.

Then it all becomes dark.

Authors Note

Ryder is in the picture above!

I won't be able to write at all today, but I'll be able to tomorrow.

Also for Begin Again fans- I've already started the next chapter.

Enchanted fans- I'm waiting on another vote to release the second chapter. It's almost finished.

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