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I continued walking down the wooded path, a spunk in my step as my ponytail swayed side to side. I couldn't do worse then last time, and as long as I got a few punches in then I would be happy. I smiled to myself and hummed, smacking a mosquitos that had landed on my arm. "I can do this." I mumbled, beginning to jog.

Loud footsteps making their way quickly to my right alerted me, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Em!" A masculine panicked voice called out, making his way over to me as fast as he could on two legs. As he got closer I could see that it was Tyler, and he didn't look to happy. He had a glint of sweat across his forehead, but he wasn't panting.

Tyler grabbed my arm and pulled me off the path and into the woods. "Tyler, where are we going!" I asked, an inch of fear slowly creeping into my voice.

He didn't say anything as he continued to drag me through the woods, my heart beating harder with every step. "Tyler!" I tried again, my eyes widened with panic. He looked at me and put a finger over his lips, signaling me to be quiet. I did as he said and kept quiet as he continued to pull me through the forest.

He pulled me for about another ten minutes, finally stopping at the edge of our territory. He took a breath and put both of his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes. "Emmilyn, you have to leave." He said, worry filling his brown eyes.

My mind began to whirl, and I felt dizzy. "Leave?" I said lowly, my voice barely a whisper. "Why would I leave?" I put my hand against my forehead, staring at him dumbstruck.

"I don't know all the specifics, but you need to leave. I-" he stopped, looking around us before he moved closer. He put his lips towards my ear and whispered softly, "I think that they're purposely keeping your wolf away."

I gasped, my eyes connecting with his. Was I right? Was the Alpha plotting against me? "Why would they do that? I'm a pack member. I'm not dangerous," my eyes widened again. "Am I?"

He sighed, rubbing a hand through his now tousled hair. "I don't know why they're keeping your wolf away. But for some reason, you're important. You're special Emmilyn. " Tyler checked our surroundings again, listening carefully. "Em, I can get in serious trouble for helping you. For some reason they're Keri g close eyes on you."

I nodded my head, my eyes glazing over with a wet sensation. This was my home, and I had to leave for some reason. My brother.. Would I ever see him again? My parents? Lucie? Tyler..

"I'll try to stay in touch with you the best that I can. This isn't goodbye." His eyes showed hesitation as he looked at me, an internal battle inside his head. He looked at me and grabbed the back of my head, pushing my lips onto his for a quick kiss.

Then he looked at me once more, and ran back towards the pack.

Authors note

Tyler is in the picture above. 😍

Omg so Tyler and Emmilyn kissed!? How do you feel about that?

Sorry for the short chapter and late update, it's been hard to update with my new job. Lots in store for this story! Check out Begin Again!

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