(3)Captured Again?

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Y,n's POV

well, after that incident he offered me his hand to help me up, but i didn't take it. i know he should be more mad at me than i am at him because I shot at him first, but i guess i'm just not very trusting. He tried to make small talk with me, heading towards the village still. "so who are you exactly?" he asked me. i'm.. y,n reluctant to tell him my name. "Well, i'm Laurence" he said "and where did you come from? we haven't seen you anywhere around here before". We? i asked "Yes, me, the guards, anyone from phoenix drop really" he answered. Phoenix drop? is it this village? i asked "Yes, it's where we're- wait! aren't i supposed to be asking YOU the questions" Laurence said and i stayed silent. i looked around before we went inside the gates for a chance to run, but i had a feeling he would know i was going to run before i decided myself so i tested it and slowed down, but he matched my speed exactly...

Laurence's POV

Well, i was walking around phoenix drop after Emmalyn's wedding just about when Aphmau left and spotted something black moving. (What is it?) even if it is not a threat i should still check it out because the shadow souls and the past few times... never mind. I walked over slowly, brought out my weapon and heard... *her* singing.

--Time Skip--

I pushed her to the ground a little too strongly... oops! i think she was scared because she was stammering and mumbling, but i still had to know who she was, why she was here, and where she came from. I saw her amulet was flipped over on it's back and there was writing and a symbol in f,c. That amulet, that f,c symbol, that writing, reminded me of something... anyway i took y,n to phoenix drop because i still needed those answers and i don't know any other way to get them.

Y,n's POV

I walked into "Phoenix Drop" apparently and looked around. when we walked in i saw mostly ruins i guess until i saw another gate and there was the actual town through it. it was pretty, but was mostly forest from where i was standing. This Laurence guy seemed nice, then i remembered that i'm still captured, but what for? afterwards he led me into a building that was more repaired than the others and i think it was a jail house type of thing, but he only told me to sit down in the front. "So y,n, where did you come from that got you to phoenix drop?" Laurence asked me. Well i c-came from Meteli and just got here today i-i didn't mean to do anything I swear to Irene! I nervously said. "Okay, just calm down i'm not going to hurt you or anything" Laurence said and he was right, he didn't tie me up and drag me or anything. "I know you don't mean any harm i guess we just got off on the wrong foot that's all" he said calmly "Well i'll go tell Aphmau and hopefully have somewhere you can stay for tonight at least, because i still have more questions i need to ask you and it's already night so i'll have to wait until the morning" Then he got up and before he left i asked Aphmau? "Yep, Aphmau, she's the lord of Phoenix Drop" he said, and then left. I got up and looked outside. I only saw one guard, but i didn't want to take any chances so i just walked around, fixed all my things, and thought. Aphmau... why is that weird name so familiar? I don't know, but that's a name that you only heard once in a lifetime...


Hello hope you enjoyed! do you think there is a connection to all of the things that have happened or are happening?? find out in the next chapter! maybe...

=3 ~Bakon

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