2.3K 47 24

Hi guys! I guess you noticed my *teeny* bit longer title, but you know why I did that? -stay calm- *breaths* We ma- (well that failed!) -DE IT TO 1,000 READS OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG IM GUNNA DEI!!!! 🎂Thank you people sooooooo much for taking time out of your (probably) ridiculously busy day to read my book and follow me and stuffs! I just wanted to thank you and ¡no te preocupes! There will be a chapter today and I will make it 1,000 words!

In celebration I am going to start a new book! What do you guys want me to write? PLEASE leave suggestions in the comments or I'll just pick one myself

Each of you can take two cookies and 1/10 of a cake (cause that's how much I made) bye and thx Reader~Chans!


Hey reader~Sama, Bakon here(of the future) and I wanted to say

-thank you for being patient
-I have picked the winners to the character creator contest already(next chapter & it's closed)
-thank you for the now 4k reads OH MA GHAWD WOW
-what is happening in McDiaries is hard for me to write with you in it so the stories will come out later
-I will most likely do a chapter each McDiaries that is uploaded
-HOWDY, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE DETEMMIENATION!('cause I can okay? I have the game finally so it's alright!)

~ Future Bakon out! ~


(Lol my shortcuts bar now has a cookie on it cause I typed is so much! The last cookie in the cookie jar who gets it? 🍪)

Stay Krispy my babies!


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