(4)My "New" Life

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Y,n's POV

When Laurence got back he gave me a mini tour of the "new" Phoenix drop because he said the old Phoenix drop was mostly broken down outside. The last thing he showed me was the beach and night was definitely falling because we could see the sunset from here, ya know it's kinda r- NOPETY NOPE NOPE NOPE... I mean it is-NO!! Well when the sun finally fell down and the light sucked into darkness we headed back to see my temporary house. Last time it was a few questions here and there, but now it was silent until I hummed the same song over and over because it was my only reminder of good times other than my amulet.


My temporary house was basic, but nonetheless beautiful in its own way. They had to build a new house and therefore it was pretty small. I looked around and decided where I should put my supplies, but kept them in hand for now. "Are you good y,n? Anything you need?" Laurence said. Umm... I thought about it no "Okay, then night y,n!" I overly nodded my head to make sure he could see, then carefully held my pack and eventually fell in to the deep void of sleep


My parents hugging and kissing
My "friends" playing around
My older "brother" training tough
My people doing their daily business
My thoughts swarming in my head

I'm sitting in the tree listening to music and this would be the time dad would tell me to train, but I've told him too many times that I don't need to and he knows. Heh dad is too sweet I could ask him almost anything and he would say yes, but he is still tough and not lazy like the others. The clock goes off, signaling another hour. *sigh* ten. I mean I don't do anything important in the morning anyways school, training, and my hobbies take no effort from me so I always end up with free time for I don't know drawing, singing, listening to music, finding hiding spots, or wandering around. Seven, eight, nine, ten and the clock stops I walk back to the castle on the fourth floor. I prepare for a little adventure everything in my life right now is dull, I mean don't get me wrong I love having everything I want it's just I feel like something is missing, probably since I lack some social skills I can't keep friends. Yep I've had friends before, but I can't keep them.

I walk outside and the lights fade slowly until there is complete darkness...

--Flashback over--

I wake up with a blinding light when I lift my hood, then quickly put it back on and slowly get used to the light. Hmm... I've had that multiple times, but I've never had it that long. I fix up my clothes, eat a small snack and run out the door, but crash into...
Uh... I got up without her help and quickly put my mouth cover back on, as it fell off. "Hi my name is-" I accidentally cut her off Aphmau? I said. I recognized those hazel-orange eyes and black hair that she should dye purple a bit I know it's her favorite color... What? "Yeah... How did you know" I stayed silent, honestly I don't know how. Though I Remember what her name was AND her favorite color. it seemed like she was used to no response. "Welcome to Phoenix Drop, y,n!"

YUSSSS much MORE mysteries! bye :3

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