(8 + 7/8)Adventure!

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I looked around the island by myself cause naturally that's what I do- go solo (NYEH HEH HEH c🍪🍪kies if you got those two references) -this island was great! So much to look for and I found a little place to stay for awhile that was beautiful. I told the others beforehand that I was going to stay somewhere else, but they decided against it saying "to dangerous, you'll get lost, blah, blah, blah!" I didn't care and stayed anyway.

 I told the others beforehand that I was going to stay somewhere else, but they decided against it saying "to dangerous, you'll get lost, blah, blah, blah!" I didn't care and stayed anyway

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--Time skip brought to you by House_OwnerRoss-Kenmur and MithzanMax-Reese--

I stood up, contemplating life it seems. The night was peaceful, the quiet roar of the wind, and the dripping of the small waterfall was calming. This independence was beautiful and being in my true form was relieving, yet I couldn't help but feel guilty, as it was... 2am... In the morning. Gah! I really need some sleep... I was just about to turn in for the night when I heard someone come up behind me


She looked like an older teenager, about the same age as me

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She looked like an older teenager, about the same age as me. She walked over without hesitation. She had no explanation and I backed up. I can't blame her, being both I can see why she hates me. I turned and ran without looking back, finally realizing I had everything off and was changed, but then my amulet fell off. I ran back to get it before her, but that allowed her enough time to catch up to me. I grabbed my amulet, turned and ran as fan as I possibly could. I climbed a tree, but in the process she got up to the point where she could just reach the bottom of my shoe. I climbed faster and jumped tree to tree until I was out of sight, oh and also lost! Wait scratch that not only was I lost, but I DIDN'T happen to lose her! Wonderful! "HEY! Get down here!" She yelled in a strong, yet hinted with worry voice. I stayed silent. "Are you a coward?"she screamed in an angry tone while getting closer to me. From then on it was a life or death race, well I have a few tricks up my hand if it comes to that... I don't know how but she caught up to me and tackled me into a tree. She then pulled out her amethyst sword and held it to my neck. "What do-youwant?" I said quickly. "All of you. Dead." She responded. "Thought you would've put up more of a fight. Or attacked me first." She continued "like the others" she mumbled sorrowfully.

" She continued "like the others" she mumbled sorrowfully

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"Get off of her!" A girl yelled. "Hmph" the one next to me said and turned to see who was talking which allowed enough time for the other girl to put a... Barrier? Around me. The hazel haired girl ran to attack the red haired girl, since they both knew I wasn't going anywhere. "Isa, nice to meet you...?" Red hair said waiting for an answer, until hazel-hair responded "Jazmine...". "You know there are g-" Isa said. "There are no good ones! They all kill people!" Jazmine said swinging her amethyst sword downward above Isa, but she deflected as she pulled out her... Opal? sword slowly... Their purple swords slashed at each other, Isa moving with grace and instinct, while Jazmine with strength and anger. "Your trying to kill me! It's making you no better" Isa yelled at Jazmine. "WE dont have to fight, but i have unfinished buisness with HER kind" She said while pointing her blade towards me. Isa ran up to me and said "sorry, I have to do this, just remember I'm on your side- both of your sides" and then she knocked me out with the hilt of her sword. The impact just stung until I slipped into unconsciousness.

An overload of information flooded my mind and my brain apparently drowned in it.

Zane. Stopped. Vlad. Be. Family. Die. Zane. Be.
Care. Myself. Possible. Immortality. Dead.

It all stared to return...

Yay we're back! I am going to use most of the good stuff for the next chapter! Be excited! Anywho thank you, hope you enjoyed, and also, Jazmine starlight is the 19 year old that I picked! The others will be coming shortly and if you feel I'm portraying your character to be untrue to their personality or want their actions to change just tell me! Thank you!

Stay Krispy my babies!



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