(8 + 1/2)LÉ FLÚFFÈ

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Y,n's POV

Hyria, the wich who apparently was why the forest was cursed AND was lucinda's mom, was at the gates. Lucinda upright pushed Hyria and ran away! What?! Why?! I don't know, but I'm guessing there's some family issues in there somewhere, I know what THAT is like...
Anyway, I decided not to dwell on that and get some 'rest'...


I was 7 that day I ran off
-the memories are still a blur-
What I didn't know that day was that I could never come back...


🔥to a little 7 year old girl when she came back from her 'day long' adventure that had then turned into a unexpected lifelong one you can't explain those 15 long years of agonizing loneliness and pain drifting every so often somewhere new she was going to have to deal with...
Her brother * was sweet, her father * was too, her mom * was * * *. With them all * from the destruction of the * was too much

--we back to reality OR ARE WE IN THE MATRIX!!!????(no)--

I woke up with a startle. Those memories just now are coming to me. Ever since that... Everything of my past has come blurred, but back to me. I can't dwell on the past or... Never mind. I walked outside and was soon notified that Aphmau and her friends were leaving and I could join them if I wanted to and that they were leaving To find somewhere new. Set up a sanctuary type village. I agreed to join them. *sigh* I keep moving from place to place, will this time be somewhere I can call home, even if just a little while?...

Hi people! Sorry, I know I said this would be sooner and 1,000 words, but that's coming soon (season finale sort of, but don't worry there will be some more after that) anyway thanks for understanding reader~Chan. Also the pic up top a made on the computer so that's why it's not so good, but it was of Aphmau

Stay Krispy my babies!



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