(7)It's Cold...

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--time skip-- (when they settle down at that campsite)

I decided to stay put today, I've heard the stories of this place and Aphmau and Laurence were even reluctant to let me come because they thought i would get hurt. I came anyway of course, i love adventure and i can do a LOT more than just defend myself. I went over and small talked with Aaron, as I have barely talked since i first met him. "Hey, y,n" he said hesitantly. Hi Aaron, um... i didn't know what to say because I just wanted to talk to someone since, Ya know there's not too much to do here i finished, not sure if i meant to say that one out loud though. I sat down between him and Laurence then said This snow is freezing! "Well 'Cause it's snow!" Laurence joked and scooted closer to me. "here" Aaron said and I flinched when he wrapped my cloak around me like a blanket and Laurence gave him a death stare (NOT romantically! even though Laurence *stares at him* happens to think so) after that Laurence, Aaron and I (ye! I get dat propah' gremer) small talked for a while


He broke

He held his burning red sword to the man's neck

Laurence... He was a shadow knight? Just then I saw Aphmau and the white witch, Lucinda, run over and froze up the man.


Laurence your a... Shadow knight? I said said full of anger. "Y-yes, but not fully" he responded quickly when he changed back.

Xx (sorry so many time skips I just wanna ;P Ketchup Idk why lol)

I was still stunned from what I found out when we entered lucinda's place near Pikoro village. We got to a place to rest and settled down. I talked to Laurence a little more, but it wasn't going anywhere so I just did my best to fall asleep...


Again sorry that I didn't write as much as I could have! I just keep having 'mini' writers block and I'm not too good with dialogue. I might post a second chapter today if I have enough time! Anyway thanks and...


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