(9)My Past

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These next dreams, no memories came to me. They weren't mine, except for the last one...

He was all alone, no parents, no friends, until he got adopted, then he had a sister, and was happy
T h e E n d .

She woke up, no recollection of the past, she followed the man, became Lord, and was happy
T h e E n d .

He was a prince, he grew up, he ran away, he found love, and was happy
T h e E n d .

He touched the pendent, his village burned, he found justice, and was happy
T h e E n d .

You watched you village *burn*, your *family die* you ran *away*, you were *broken* and *changed*, and were *N.O.T. H.A.P.P.Y*
T h e E N D

Or is it really? For anyone? NO. In ThE rEaL wOrLd NoT eVeRyOnE gEtS hApPy EnDiNgS!

-R.I.P headphone users(still listen to it just not with high volume plz)-

-Your friend Flowey the flower kindly re-loads the next save file-

Isa was looming above me, talking with someone else, but I could only make out bits and pieces of their conversation. I looked around slightly because I couldn't move my head. My cloak was spread out underneath me, my amulet was still on, my bow was still wrapped securely on, my hood was off, and my weapons laying on the table close to them.

"Isa, what should we do ... with her?" Someone said

"I don't know! You're the one who told me to bring her ..." Isa said.

"Well cause y'know ..." The other said, while taking off something of mine.

"Well I'm bringing her back ... she doesn't deserve to ... just because ... and what she is" Isa responded.

I could finally move and open my eyes so I looked to see where I was and who the other person was. I sat up slowly, but they pushed me back down. The other girl... I couldn't see what she looked like because she disappeared before I could see her face, but she was definitely a girl about 15 years old.

"Sorry" Isa said again leaning towards me, but I rolled out of the way. I tried to use my powers to get out of this mess, but I couldn't control them right now, something was out of whack. I got up to a sitting position and crawled backwards until I hit the wall, tree, or something like that behind me. I stood up and I tried to run the other way. Emphasis on TRIED.

"we promise we're not trying to hurt you" said the 15-year-old even though I didn't know who or where she is.

"Please try to understand." Said Isa placing something in my hand and taking my vulnerability at that time for advantage. She pierced me with a needle and I didn't realise until seconds later what she had done. It was too late as I slumped to the floor and dozed off in an unnatural slumber.

-Time skip brought to you by MR. BIG FUZZY PUSHOVER (another reference I'm sorry! I can't stop. Someone help... Please?)-

I woke up, the upper right half of my body stinging from the needle. I heard screaming and I felt a unsettling presence near me. I felt agrivated, probably by the presence being there. I noticed I was now on Chad's boat again and got up achingly. I also found the item Isa gave me. It was a little golden and F/C glass tiger with the name 'Mer' engraved on the side. ('Mer' is pronounced as 'Mare')

I don't know how it didn't break in the transition, but it was beautiful, expensive, and to me it looked like it had a use

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I don't know how it didn't break in the transition, but it was beautiful, expensive, and to me it looked like it had a use. I could tell magicks were radiating from it. I climbed to the shore and noticed my mistake. I froze from shock of what was before my eyes. The demon warlock was floating there and all my friends were in fighting stance. Lucinda with her staff out who gave me a look like 'you should've stayed in the boat' and 'you can see him too?' At the same time, Aphmau with a glowing whiteish-blue sword out, Aaron with his demonic sword, Kaitlyn with her weapons, and Laurence in... Shadow. Knight. Form .  .   .

Out of shock I immediately dropped the glass tiger. Expecting it to break I sidestepped, but what happened was even more shocking so I jumped at least two feet of the ground. It broke, but then out of the F/C shards formed a real tiger.

"Ah! Look who decides to join the party!" The demon warlock said to me after the noise.
I stepped closer, his presence pulling me towards him, physically moving me forward. The conversation kept on and he kept calling Aphmau 'little saint' and saying things that made no sense. "Angry daddy isn't giving you enough attention little Travis?" he taunted a little while later. Wait Travis is... "-I will destroy you for what you did to my mother!" Travis shouted back. Is EVERYONE on this ship a monster!? I turned and ran, good because I couldn't hold it in much longer, it took enough effort to hold it in with how big the demon warlock's presence is even if physical his form seems to be destroyed. The tiger chased after me and I wasn't sure if Mer was on my side or not. I ran as fast as I could, still not working as well from loss of energy though. She pushed me to run faster and when she was content on the location, jumped on me and licked me like a HUGE dog. I whimpered and laughed at the same time from the gesture. I guess the little glass tiger is friendly after all.

OH MY IRENE! Thank you people, thank you everyone for the four thousand reads and supporting my stories! So that is why this chapter is 1,000 full words! Also I added in Taya made by Minecraftdireys

Stay Krispy my babies!



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