(6)Who Is It?

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A/N- the * in this story means that something is blurred. Also I will have another authors note at the end!

Y,n's POV

I looked up sharply as that's what my instinct and reflexes made me do. If I had the control I'm not sure what I would've done, but hey the past is in the past

It walked up to me, looked at me and turned away. Then they came in the room, unlocked the cell, but made sure I couldn't escape


Everything hurt and I mean EVERYTHING. It also burned, funny because i love the heat and I've never had a problem with it. If * had just * then * and i wouldn't * here! Why did my * have to * and why couldn't * not * bad!

Then is when I raged and broke

Who do I even * for anymore other than * and how is that even *? if I do that then how can I gain * when I'm *?!

It all stared to fade...

Even the memories

--Flashback Over--

Oh! I'm at home... I must've walked back after I met up with Laurence. WAIT WHAT?!? All my free time is gone from a stupid flashback of... What was that? Anyway I have to meet up with Aphmau now.


After that we walked out to old Phoenix drop and she talked to us about O'khasis. (Blah blah blah if your reading book this you probably should've watched that video)afterwards she introduced me to her friends. "Of course you've met Laurence already, then this is Travis,-" who took my hand and then kissed it"Vlad,-" who shook his head in acknowledgement "Dante,-" who shook my hand "Levin,-" who nodded also "Malachi,-" who shook my hand too "Chad,-" he ran up in my face and screamed "The name's Chad G. Augistine Au'Leopold The III" "and Aaron." who walked up to me, looked at me, and then said (cut your name in half at this part) "y,n?- hi" and quickly scrambled back to where he was.


Hi! sorry this chapter wasn't long, i have ideas for stories that are coming up soon, but it's hard "building a path" to it if you know what i mean. anyway future chapters will be longer, like about 500 words. also...

THANK YOU FOR 200 READS!!! OH MY IRENE THAT'S AWESOME! you people are the best! i will try not to disappoint!



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