Chapter Seven : "Walking on tight ropes"

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 Today is Nick's birthday , he would've been 17 by now. If the aliens didn't came , we would be now on the 3rd year of High School .. we would have been juniors. But dreaming of what things could have been is bad for all of us after everything that happened, it only gives us pain and makes us regret that we didn't lived our lives to the fullest when we had the chance. Now we're living in a messed up world, and the chances to make life work the way it was before is slim to none.

 I was out on the grounds early in the morning, just taking a walk I guess. I saw Jeanne's project , one tree is almost done but there's still 2 other trees to make. It seems like a storm is coming because the skies are pretty dark and it's really windy.

 "Hey dork" I turned around and saw Deni standing behind me.

 "You're up early" she said and then tossed me a piece of bread. "Just thinking about lots of stuffs" I said and then we continued walking.

 "So, last night was a shocker" she said

 "Yeah. The skitters have a spy of their army and they also have one on ours. Wonder who it is" I said.

 "About the attack. When do you think it will happen?" she asked.

 "I don't know , but if they've diverted to take revenge on a Volm planet, then it doesn't matter when they're going to attack. We should prepare and expect the worst"

 "When that happens Ben , promise me that we'll face them together" she said , looking very worried.

 "I promise" I said and then smiled at her.

 "This is going to sound crazy, but I think we're still undergoing a transformation. Like a mild mutation , I can't explain it very well but I've been feeling something weird lately" she said.

 "I think so too. Just look at my eyes, they've been red for over a week now"

 "Yeah ..."

 "I might just have to embrace it" I said and then she laughed.

 "I'm going to the cafeteria , you want something?" I asked.

 "More bread. Oh wait, I have to get something, I'll just meet you there" she said and then started to run towards the Skitter camp.


Tom's P.O.V

 It was early in the morning , I looked at the clock and saw that it's only 7:00 am. I wasn't able to sleep properly after seeing the list of possible suspects for the murder. There were at least 70 people in there , some are really suspicious but some just don't make sense. I saw Ms. Peralta's name in there , she could be really pushy sometimes but I don't think she'll be capable of murdering someone. Even Capt. Weaver is included in the list, as much as I'd want to tell Dr. Manchester and Gen. Bressler than the list they game don't make sense in general but that's the only thing we have now. Someone killed Col. Porter, we have a traitor in Charleston.

 I looked beside me and saw Anne is still sleeping. I felt her growing womb, my first baby girl is in there. "Looks like someone didn't get a good sleep" Anne said suddenly.

 "Yeah. I can't get the fact that we have a murderer among us out of my head"

 "Who could it be?"

 "I don't know yet" I said and then got up and looked outside. I saw Ben talking to Deni ... and he's smiling , that must be good. Then they parted ways , I don't know what's going on with him but at least he got someone to talk to.

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