Chapter Thirty Nine : "Leaving Charleston"

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 Two days have passed. Things have gone differently since the explosion that killed dozens of people. Dad decided that it's gonna be best if we'll get back on the road again. We were given a whole day to gather all of our stuffs and load them to our trucks.

 The plan is to let the civilians leave first and then we'll follow right after the battle. Col. Weaver said that the next destination should be somewhere in Charlotte, North Carolina. All the soldiers and the group of rebel skitters will remain to help the only Volm left, Cochise ... to finish the fight and bring out the weapon they've been building for months.

 "So this is not home after all?" Deni asked while I was helping her clean up her stuffs on the Skitter camp. "Home is where the heart is" I said then pulled her closer and kissed her. "That's my nerd" she said and then smiled at me.

 "Ugh .. Get a room" I turned around and saw Harry looking at us , we just laughed at him and kissed once again.

 "So Harry .. ready to find a new home in Charlotte?" Deni asked.

 "Maybe" he said and then walked away.

 "Ben?" Deni then asked after several minutes. "What?" I replied. "When the battle happens .. try not to get killed okay?" she said.

 "Of course" I replied and then smiled at her. She's worried ... and she has every right to be.


Tom's P.O.V

 "We're gonna get Lexi right?" Anne asked as I looked at her carrying our daughter's clothes and then loading them into a bag. "Of course we will" I replied and then smiled at her.

 "So when will the battle happen?" she asked.

 "I don't know. I still have to talk to Cochise about the weapon but it's imperative that we get the people of Charleston in safety"

 "I wanna stay"

 "Anne .. you should leave with Lourdes. She needs company"

 "And you don't? . Tom our baby's been kidnapped"

 "I know Anne. And trust me , there is nothing that I want more than to save our daughter from the hands of the enemy. But I can't do that right now, I have an obligation to these people ... I need to get them to safety" I told her and she didn't said anything afterwards.

  Suddenly, someone knocked at the door and when I opened it .. it's Tector. "We have a situation" he said and then I looked at Anne , she just nodded so I left with him and went to see Cochise and Dan on the Volm site.


Hal's P.O.V

 I still can't believe Maggie's dead. I was in our room , gathering all of our stuffs. I broke down several times while trying to fold her clothes and put her guns on the huge travel bag. Tears went down endlessly , I never thought that I'll be the one who will end her life.

 I can still hear her laughter ... the times she swore at me ... those moments where she became a complete lady and gave in .. those fights where she's been the most bad ass female I have ever seen in my entire life. I miss her so much .. it's starting to hurt.

 "Hal?" Matt asked and then knocked on the door. "Come in" I said and then wiped a tear away. "How are you?" he asked.

 "I'll be lying if I say that I'm okay" I said and then he just sat on my side.

 "You do know we're gonna be fine right?"

 "You Matt will be fine .. me , I don't know"


Lourdes's P.O.V

 "Hey Anne!" I called out as soon as I saw her enter the clinic. She's not looking fine so I asked her what's wrong. "It's Lexi .. I miss her so much" she said as she broke down in my arms.

 "She's fine .. I know she will be" I said as I'm trying to comfort her.

 "I don't know Lourdes .. I have a bad feeling about her"

 "That feeling is nothing .. Lexi is a Mason , remember? Masons never give up" I said and thankfully , she finally smiled.

 "That's better. Come on ,w e need to load all these meds" I said.

 "I really hate moving" Anne then uttered.


 After I helped Deni gather up her stuffs and load them to the trucks , I returned to my room to do mine. I've never had that many things so I think I finished after just about 10 minutes which is really great.

 "Is that all?" Harry asked after I put two huge bags on the truck. "Yeah. Pretty much" I said and then walked back inside only to see Matt trying to carry a huge suitcase and three other travel bags on his shoulder.

 "Skitter bait ... you look like a turtle" I said and then laughed at him.

 "Just help me .. please" he said so I did. I pretty much carried every single thing. "You really are strong" he commented as we got out to the grounds.

 "One of the many perks of being harnessed" I said and then smiled at him.

 "Ben .. do you think we can beat them?" he suddenly asked.

 "Of course we will. What makes you think we won't?" I asked him.

 "I don't know .. what if the Volms turned out to be their allies? What if they're gonna turn to us?" he asked then , obviously concerned.

 "Matt .. let's just hope that they're not" I told him. We were never really sure of the Volm's real intentions anyway ... I think it's time for it to be shed into the light.


Tom's P.O.V

 We quickly resolved the situation that Tector told me , thanks to Dr. Kadar. "Is everything set?" I asked Sgt. Brighton.

 "Yes sir"

 "Then we'll see you in Charlotte" I said and then he boarded the truck. I looked to my side and saw Matt, Ben and Hal walking towards me.

The four of us watched as dozens of trucks started leaving the camp. "When will do the battle?" Hal asked.

 "We'll start tomorrow"

 "How about Karen's?" Ben asked.

 "How about her?"

 "We're gonna come for her right?"

 "Yes Ben .. we're coming for her .. we'll kill her" I said and pulled them closer to me. As soon as the trucks were out of sight , all of us that are left went to the Volm camp to formulate what's gonna be the battle plan.

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