Chapter Fifteen : "Old friends ..... New enemies"

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Tom's P.O.V

 "So where are you from?" I asked Harry.

 "Kentucky .. and who are you supposed to be?"

 "Tom .. Tom Mason"

 "The President of the New United States of Humour" Pope suddenly said and then laughed.

 "Shut up Pope" I said.

 "Oh? The President? Fancy ... and who are you?" he asked looking at Pope.

 "You don't wanna know kid" Pope replied.

 "I think I do .. you know I've never ever talked to a hobo .. not even once so yeah it will be really cool if you introduce yourself" he said.

 I think we're all quite shocked with his statement. Pope didn't introduce himself, instead he gave him a look and then walked away with the rest of his minions and groups.

 "We're good here" I told the soldiers and they let Harry came in. "I talked to your son days ago" he suddenly said while we're walking towards the skitter camp.

 "Excuse me?"

 "Ben Mason .. he's your son right?"

 "Yeah .. Is he alright?" I asked him. I've been dying to know how Ben's doing. "He's good" he said and then added "they said they're headed somewhere into a hospital to get a group of hybrid kids and rebel skitters".

 "Hybrid?? you mean deharnessed?"

 "Sure .. whatever you call it" he said. Estella is waiting at the gates of their camp. "Hello Mr. Mason" she said and then smiled.

 "Hello. This is Harry .. he just came" I told her and then left.


Hal's P.O.V

 "Hal! Maggie!" We both turned around and saw Col. Weaver's walking towards us.  "where the hell are you two going ? Going outside the camps is strictly prohibited" he said.

 "We're just gonna check out the city , supplies are low. People have been complaining , all they're eating are tomatoes and other vegetables from the garden" I said .. that's the only reason I got and if I say that we're going after Ben , he will bring us straight to Dad .

 "You're going after your brother" he replied.

 "What?? no" Maggie said.

 "Hal , come out of that truck. You need to understand that we have a very serious situation going on in here , risking more lives is not an option"

 "But he's my brother" I tried to reason with him. "I need to go after Ben"

 "I'm sorry. I made my decision , you two are not going. Murich already left , that skitter is probably halfway there already. Let's just hope that Ben's okay" he said.

 We have no choice but to get out of the truck and walk back inside the building.


Lourdes's P.O.V

 I went back to my room to get my rosary and then head to the chapel to pray for Ben. "Where is it, where is it , ohhh there it is" I whispered and then pulled it out from my drawer.

 Then after I fixed my things , I looked at the mirror to check myself. "You are an old lady" I thought to myself , while tracing that one wrinkle on my forehead. But then I noticed a figure at my back. I quickly turned around and saw myself , but it's not me .. it's a clone .. it's something else.

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