#4: Goodbye Sweet Freedom

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Saotome Yui's POV

That was when I finally lost my so called-freedom. Reishi Munakata, the person whom I vowed my loyalty is someone Fushimi-san looks up to. His calm presence and intimidating presence really requires respect. I wonder why Fushimi-san wanted a life like this. If he returns back, he could have a normal life with all the leisure he can have. "Can we listen to your response?", a blonde asked. Response? What am I suppose to say? "If it is justice we are talking about, I'd be happy to work hand and hand with Scepter 4. I'm not sure what to do so I hope i can adjust as fast as I can", I answered. Being in front of the Blue King is really an overwhelming experience. Shall I quit this game? NO way!!! I already engaged myself with this crazy plan. "That was impressive", the Blue King gave a smiled.

"Then, Fushimi. You will share your room with Saotome", Captain informed. I just had my soul escaped from my body. The rest of the Scepter 4 clansmen carried my box. I'll be sharing the same room with a guy? We both entered the room. Fushimi-san only got few furniture and a cool looking man-sized mirror. There is a double decked room beside the window. After having my things moved, we proceeded to have my uniform made. "Then maybe I'll just go ahead", Fushimi-san left the room. Having a brief research about Scepter 4, I heard that it is divided into two classification. The combat team and the information team. Fushimi-san told me it was only an easy job. I often read the newspaper and discover how many people die because of clan wars or issues about them. After being measured, I was asked to report to Lieutenant Awashima. She's the pretty lady with amazing body fitting. Their working place is located left of the stairs. They have table arranged in it. I looked for a blonde lady as saw her talking to some of the combat team. Being in Scepter 4, the rules say I musn't use vulgar words so they preferred to be called the King's clansmen.

"Hmmm... how should I call you? Yui? Saotome?", Lieutenant asked. "I'd be fine with my first name", I asnwered. She smiled and offered me coffee. She sat at the table and I also did, opposite to her. "Then, let us start with the rules and regulations", she said.

1. Reishi Munakata, the current Blue King is the final authority of the organization under the supervision of the Prime Minister.

2. We are purely to serve the country.

3. Never lift your sword to anyone else unless the King , Lieutenant, or the Third-man in Command says so.

4. You are given a day of break, carry the name of the Scepter 4 wherever you go.

5. Remember the motto: "We will advance with sword for our cause is pure".

blah... blah... blah... and etc.

After being oriented, I was given the opportunity to meet the rest of the Clansmen. They are all wearing kimono inside the training room. I took a peek and saw them swinging their sword as if hitting a real enemy. If I entered inside, I might have my head blown away. "Why don't you join us?", a man in glasses asked. "Hope to work well with you. My name is Tatsuya Enomoto", he bowed and entered. Their eyes are burning with passion. They have a huge regard for justice. This is not what I expect from Fushimi-san. I cant judge someone whom I haven't yet dug into. The sun disappeared in the horizon. Fushimi-san passed by with in his uniform. His uniform is different from the others. He's got high cut boots and his coat reached his knee level. Purple wristband are also with him. I joined him marched towards the kitchen. "Fushimi-san, why is your uniform different from the others?", I asked. "Figure it out yourself", he lazily answered. "I already accepted this slave-game of yours. What do I get?", I crossed my hands and leaned on the wall next to the refrigerator. Fushimi-san pulled out a black coffee. "Let me think.... a useless hope", he had a smirk painted on his face. "I'm being serious here", I had my self regain my composure. He pulled out a flash drive in his pocket and threw it to me. Luckily, I caught it.

Going back into our room, I checked what's inside the flash drive. It contains JUNGLE's blueprints for their applications. How can we use this? This will be called forgery. Fushimi-san entered the room. "I cannot make use of this data", I lowered my head. He closed the laptop. "Then watch your company go down to history", Fushimi-san bend towards me. "Fushimi-san. Why dont you just show yourself to your Mom?", I asked. His teasing expression faded and turned into a poker face. "Go sleep", he commanded. It's just 8:45 pm. He exited the room. I called Anna.

Anna: What made you call this time of day?

Yui: I'm calling to tell you that I joined Scepter 4. It was inevitable. In order to get Fushimi-san, I have to follow his orders.

Anna: I hope you'll also enjoy the time together

Yui: How could I? He really treats me as a low slave

Anna: You might not know

Yui: May I ask why Yata-san feels disgusted with Fushimi-san?

Anna: Why dont you figure it out by yourself? It would be fun

Yui: As I thought you would be saying

Anna: Good night

The bed is a two decked one. Fushimi-san said he'll be staying at the lower deck.

Then that ends this Chapter. I read some stories why Fushimi left Homra.

Thank you for reading this far fellow Fushimi lovers and Otaku's.

Sorry for some wrong spellings and grammar mistakes.

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