#20: How do I love thee?

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How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.

Fushimi Comapny...
Aya and Yui passed by each other. Aya is still the secretary of Kisa. "Aya-san", Yui turned back to face her. "What?", Aya asked in irritation. "I just want tell you that.... Ni-san is going out with someone" Yui informed. Aya's eyes widened and bit her lips and walked away. Yui made her way to Kisa's office. She entered and saw Kisa talking to someone on the phone. Yui sat at the sofa located in front of the table. Call ended. "Yui, how did your exam go?", Kisa asked. "It went well", Yui answered. "We're preparing for your brother's engagement party. I dont know why he's so fast at things", Kisa sighed. "Maybe it's his way to show that the's serious about Kauri-san", Yui smiled. "You'd be the maid of honor so better be careful of your body", Kisa teased. "And... Can you please deliever this to your brother's office?", Kisa gave a box of doughnut. Yui marched down and slowly peeked into Saruhiko's office. She saw Kauri sitting on the edge of Saruhiko's table. "When did you start sticking your nose into your work?", Kauri played with his hair. "Kauri, we can play later. Just give me few more minutes", Saruhiko removed Kauri's hand. Yui knocked and left the doughnut on the center table next to the office table. "Mom asked me to deliever this", Yui informed and bowed. "Enjoy your time here, Kauri-san", Yui raised her head and was about to head out. "Yui-chan, I'll be leaving soon. Stay and eat with Saruhiko", Kauri stood and got her bag. "See you again", Kauri patted her back and went out. "I'll just go get some coffee", Yui excused. "Dont go, I'll just asl someone to bring it here", Saruhiko stopped her. "I'm getting excited for your wedding", Yui faked her smile. "More excited than me?", Saruhiko raised his brows. "Of course, at least. You will have lesser time to tease me", Yui sticked her tongue out. Saruhiko sat at the sofa surrounding the center table. Yui's still standing near the door. Silence enveloped the place.

Yui finaly decided to sit in front of Saruhiko. The spiky haired man offered a mango flavoured doughnut. "Yui, are you happy for me?", Saruhiko asked. "Of course I am. I dont know what's with Kauri-san that you fell for her but I'll give my support", Yui smiled. It was a geniune one. Saruhiko just sighed.

Next days.. At the mountains.
Yui went into Kauri's residence and to visit her. Tadashis are normal people who have simple way of living. Kauri invited her inside their humble home. It was a traditional one. At the back part is a small pavilion with a small pond on the middle. Yui saw Kois swimming. "Saruhiko loved to watch them when they were still middle schoolers", Kauri explained. She's wearing shorts and sleeveless. "Kauri-san, I hope to work well with you", Yui bowed. Kauri closed her eyes and sighed. This girl...  "It's okay. The thing I hate the most is having people pretend to be alright even if they are already dying inside", Kauri opened her eyes and raised Yui's face. "Sorry for ruining your life", Kauri apologized. Yui smiled and held Kauri's slender fingers. " Thank you but unless I decided to face my problems head on... I'll just be a coward. I want brother to be proud of his sister", Yui gave a bright smile. "I envy you", Kauri sighed. They went inside the house and ate watermelon. 

Sitting in front of Kauri, Yui took a picture of the beauty using her phone. "Kauri-san, what might be a good motif for your wedding?", Yui asked. " Saruhiko loves the shade of blue", Kauri answered. "How about you", Yui asked again. "Peach will do", Kauri said while stroking Yui's curly peach hair. "Kauri-san, can you tell me more about yourself?", Yui tilted her head making Kauri stop stroking her hair. "Uhmm... I'm a year ahead of Saruhiko. Mom and Dad are agriculturist so I also decided to take that path", Kauri stopped. "Just ask anything", she added. "Then how were you able to meet Yata-san and Ni-san", Yui asked. "We actually met at the grocery. Since I'm not that strong girl, I often had headache. Both of them took care of me while I fainted. After how many encounters, we became acquaintance, friends and eventually they visit me here. Misaki will always be the one whom we bully", Kauri laughed. "Then, Misaki, he was always the one who protects me from Saruhiko's painful criticism", Kauri narrated. "You must have been having fun with them", Yui commented. "But it all stopped when Saruhiko moved to Scepter 4", Kauri's smiles switched into a different aura. "What's important was that you've been reunited", Yui served another watermelon."Are you really okay?", Kauri repeated. "I'll be fine", Yui assured. 

HOMRA bar...

Yata's the current manager of the bar since Saruhiko asked him to stay at Tokyo. A curly peached hair entered. "Good evening Yata-san. Busy working?", Yui sat at the sofa. Yata served a lemon juice. "Where have you been?", Yata asked. "At Kauri-san's place", Yui answered. Yata was shocked. "Oi~ are you a masochist? Hurting yourself and stuffs like those. Sorry that  I have a sharp tongue", Yata apologized. "You're right but...if I dont do this. I will be the one breaking everyone", Yui explained. "I'll tell Monkey to fetch you here", Yata informed holding the phone. "No. I'll just want a moment of silence", Yui stopped him. "And you will have that here?", Yata asked. "I have no one else to talk to aside from you", Yui straightened and sipped through the juice. "Just a taste a lemon", Yui smiled. Yata sat beside her. "Did something happen today?", Yata asked. "It's just that I cant bring myself to dislike Kauri-san. I'm so happy that she's the kind of person Ni-san picked", Yui clasped her hands together. She covered her face and started to have tears formed on her eyes. Yata just leaned on the sofa. "Cry as much as you want", Yata sighed. "If I cant be the one who can be at his side then, at least I have to be happy that he has one", Yui breathe deep. "I cant believe you could still pull out something like that". Yata messed with her hair and laughed. Yui laughed with him. "Geez, this is embarrassing", Yui shook her head. "Just bare in mind that I am here. You can always run to  me", Yata gave a thumbs up.

Listening to somewhere down the road makes me want to end this with a tragic one. Just kidding!!! Gwah!!! Misaki is also a good character. I wonder what to do with him. :D

Credits to the writer of How do I love thee. 

Great is the love that sacrifices for others.


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