#10: Back to Reality

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Saotome secretely packed her things and escaped in the middle of the night. She passed through the gate. "Who said you can leave?", a familiar voice bit her and made her stop. From all the people of the universe. Saotome turned and saw Fushimi in his uniform leaning on the wall. "The deal says you are to stay with me until I said so", Fushimi crossed his arms. "Fushimi-san. I'm sorry that I made a contract with you", Saotome bowed. "Are there any ways to pay you back? I cant leave Kisa-san. I promised to go back", Saotome explained. "You told you will do everything", Fushimi let out a short laugh. "It seems that things arent always the way it will be", Saotome stepped forward. "That's why you cant trust people. They come for your help and once they have it. They will leave you. You are the same", Fushimi's stares turned colder. "It's not breaking a promise...", Saotome raised a voice. "I dont need your explanation. Get lost", Fushimi passed through her.

Saotome went back to Yokohohama and went straight to Kisa. Entering the door of the office, she heard Aya's voice. She knocked and entered. "Welcome back, Yui", Kisa stood up and hugged her. "Starting today, Aya will be my secretary. You will be graduating after a few months and you have to focus", Kisa explained. After going through all of those, Saotome is just replaced. "I can still do it", Saotome protested. "I'm showing Aya your work since she might be the next CEO. Someone outside the bloodline isnt qualified. That is... If you allow me to officially adopt you", Kisa explained. Aya and Saotome were both shocked. They both left the building. "So, you are still leeching over Kisa-san and you went to entice Saruhiko. What a brave lady, so disgusting", Aya commented. "Speak like that ,Senpai. We dont know what will happen next", Saotome looked down on her since she's far small. "Huh... Threatening me as if you're a threat", Aya humphed her and fasten her pace. Saotome went back to the mansion. She dove into the cushion and dialed Anna's number.

Anna: Yui, Yata-san told me about going back to Yokohoma.

Yui: Dont mind me. How are you?

Anna: Mikoto-san... He... He... died.

Yui: I'm sorry that I am not there.

Anna: I'll call sometimes.

Anna ended the call. The rest of the Scepter are sending messages.

"Is that true? You're leaving for real?", Domyouji

"That was fast. I havent you taught you everything", Enomoto

"You did left us hanging. Well, everyone has their own reasons", Akiyama.

"Why did you do that?!!!", Hidaka

"Once we see each other. Be sure to serve me a perfect omelet", Kamo.

Saotome Yui's POV
Stop! Stop making me have reasons to go back. I tried my best to stop this memories but it kept flashing on to me. Lying to myself it will be okay even hurts. I engaged into something unprepared.

I graduated on top of my class and a university in Tokyo scouted me. Kisa-san asked me to take computer course and so I did. Another time for vacation. Two days before my 18th birthday. On the day of August 4, the Fushimi's and relatives will organize a party to finally invite me inside the family. Though it will take some months to process it in papers. Everyone should be there. Another target it to thank Fushimi-san for saving the company. We have to drag that guy from Tokyo so Aya-san and I rode at the same car. "Breathing the same air as yours makes me want to puke", Aya-san humphed.

Being in front of Scepter 4's headquarters makes me freeze. "You can go ahead", I told Aya-san. She went outside without any hesitation. I sunked down as I saw Benzai-san and Hidaka-san assisting Aya-san. After the Red King died. HOMRA got disbanded. I cannot contact Anna . I asked the Captain to release me but the power of Sanctum is still inside me. I stepped out the car and I saw Domyouji-san waiting at the gate. "I knew you'll come", he jumped to me and pushed my shoulder. "You left without any goodbyes!!!", he complained. "Sorry", I apologized. He just smiled and led the way inside. Fushimi-san and Aya-san are both sitting at the dinning room. "Seems like you got some visitor. I shall take my leave", Domyouji pushed me inside. "Someone came uninvited", Fushimi-san clicked his tongue. He crossed his feet and looked away. I sat opposite to him. "Dont be like that. She'll be like a family after tomorrow", Aya-san teased. "If family is all about this kind of stuffs. I better have none", Fushimi-san stood and start walking away. Aya-san went after him. I'm quite aware how Aya-san likes Fushimi-san. She's been keeping his photos inside her office and even in her phone. Even the fact that they are cousin.

It was Fushimi-san's day off so Aya-san invited him for some lunch. I acted like a chaperone. "Saruhiko, do you still like mango shakes?", Aya asked. "Anything", Fushimi-san answered. The dish came. He took some beef in my plate. "That's mine", I said in a low voice. He's been removing vegetables in his plate and giving it to me. Its my first time to have a meal with him. When I was in Scepter 4, he's always missing in action during meals. "Saruhiko, you still have a bad habit in your diet", Aya-san scolded. I munched the vegetables. After a while, he tried to feed me. "I have hands", I pouted. "Arent we suppose to be practicing quality time as siblings?", he asked  a sarcastic way. I wonder why I am need here ."So, what brought you here", Fushimi-san asked. "Saotome, go order us some desert", Aya-san commanded.

No one's POV
"What's with that sweet thing?", Aya bit her lips. "She'll be my sister, sooner or later", Fushimi answered. "Your grandparents organized a party. You are quite aware how your parties looks like", Aya reminded. Saotome watched them converse in a serious mode. She came back and they stopped talking. "I'd be leaving", Aya stood up and left. "What?", Fushimi said in irritation. "Are you coming?", Saotome asked. "I have no choice", Fushimi answered. "That's your nature right, call me once you need me", Fushimi said in a dull voice. "No. You're getting the wrong idea", Saotome clenched her fist ."Aya told me that you told the old lady to recongnize me", Fushimi informed. Fushimi's phone rang.

Misaki: Monkey.... Anna was kidnapped. Do you know anything about it?

Fushimi: Who is this? Your number is unregistered

Misaki: Dont mess with me. You have nothing against Anna right. I have no one to ask right now.

Fushimi ended the call. "Who's that?", Saotome asked. Fushimi send a location to Yata. "Got some work to do", Fushimi stood up and headed to the tower. Saotome tagged along. "Dont follow me", Fushimi growled. "It seems to be an urgent thing", Saotome said. They ended up together and saw a Red Sword of Damocles. "Give respect to the new King. Anna Kushina", Reishi Munakata asked the men to draw their sword. Saotome's watching from the side. Anna saw her and went running to her. "Long time no see, Yui-san", she gave her a hug. The rest of the Scepter dragged her back to the Headquarters.

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