#13: Visit at the Country Side

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Saotome Yui's POV
Fushimi-san had a week of vacation. Grandmother insisted for the 5 of us to visit the house in Yaeyama. Looking at the internet photos, my heart skipped a beat as if falling in love with that place. Speaking of skipping a beat, I wasnt able to talk with Fushimi-san ever since that night. My heart tightens and I feel hot everytime he's in front of me. That should be a lesson for me...

"You should call me the way it should be. You must have understood that".

I packed a lot knowing that it will still be hot in Yaeyama. We rode a van heading to the place. Kisa-san is in the second row with Grandpa and Grandma. Fushimi-san is at the 3rd row with me. "Brother, it's going to be the beach!!!", I informed excitingly. "I hate hot place. I cannot withstand them", Fushimi-san clicked his tongue. "Brat... I mean, Yui. You've got a large pack there. Are you going to stay there for a year?", Fushimi-san asked. "You're killing your sister's mood", Grandfather laughed. Kisa-san had been quiet the whole time. "Talk to your mothee when we reach there", I whispered to Fushimi-san. He didnt say anything but stared outside the window.

Belated Happy birthday!!! We've got some heavy duty here. Once you come back with Fushimi, let's celebrate again.
- Domyouji

You look as pretty as ever. Kamo-san was able to access to one of your site. Happy birthday.

That was awesome. Having you cling on Fushimi makes me want to jumo in between you. Happy birthday, princess.
- Benzai

Happy Birthday Saotome... I mean.. Fushimi-chan? Yui-chan.. Whatever. Just want to greet you. Be careful with that Monkey

Happy birthday, Yui-san. I'll always treasure our memories.


"You sure have a lot of mails coming", Fushimi-san peeked on my phone. "How come you're acquainted with Misaki?", Fushimi-san asked. "Hmmm... Do you miss him already?", I teased. "Just tell me if you're finally falling for that guy", Fushimi-san teased back. "Speaking, HOMRA is a nice place and full of great people. Why did you leave?", I asked. "I told you, I cannot stand hot places", Fushimi-san irritatingly answered. We stopped by to take a break. There was a huge mall along the way and so we decided to stop by. The elderly went to shop for clothes since they have no time to pack clothes. Busy people. Fushimi-san and I went inside a department store. He's trying some sunglasses. How cool.... I shook my head. Clear your mind, Yui. I realized that he's staring at me. "You look like an idiot. What do you think suit me?", he asked. "Let's see. Its hard to choose since they all look the same", I checked on them. "What are you saying? Its not. Look at this, it doesnt have the same length and the materials are also different. The shapes are different.....", Fushimi-san bombarded my brain with all their differences. "Can you just pick what you want?", I said holding my head. "Kyah! Is he a model or what....", some students from middle high are squeaking. "Huh~ so I can also work as a model", Fushimi-san removed his eyeglasses and wore the sunglass he chose. Some sales lady are also staring at him. "You're getting so much attention", I pouted and dragged him to the counter. "Hmm... My little sister is getting jealous", Fushimi-san teased. "You're siblings?", the cashier asked. "Pardon my intrussion", she bowed. "Its okay", I smiled at her. We left the department store and entered the clothe section. Fushimi-san checked on carpi pants (three-fourths. The one just below the knee..xd.) Again, he's getting attention. "Sir, would you like to try them?", the sales lady assisted. Fushimi-san entered the fitting room. "Yui", he called me and showed if it fits him. He looks different. He's usual looks are intimidating because of his uniform and dark combinations of clothes. He"s trying some playful colors. I let out a short laugh. "Its suits you", I commented. "Says your girlfriend", the sales lady seconded. I was about to say we arent but Fushimi-san closed the fitting room. After purchasing his clothes, we bought snacks for the trip. Going back the van, the sitting arrangement is still the same. We are finally going out from the city. The air is getting hotter so we opened the air-condition. The green fields are amazing. "Fushimi-san, have you ever tried feeding horses and cows?", I asked. "Back in the farm we once visited", Fushimi-san answered. "Yata-san is a playful person, how were you able to go with the flow?", I asked. "I dont need to. His mere presence will drag you", Fushimi-san hid a smile but I saw it from his reflection. "You must have missed him a lot", I commented. He remained silent.

No One's POV
The long travel made Yui fell asleep. Saruhiko glanced at her and saw covered her upper body with his jacket. "Saruhiko, I've got some spare jacket here", Yuri freaked him out. "Its okay, the temperature is still something I can bare", Saruhiko informed. His eyes are set on the peach haires girl. He's been through a lot and so with her. He cant help but to think about the work he left at Scepter 4. Will he be able to see her again once he returned back to work? In the first place, what's the reason? Saruhiko clicked his tongue and just closed his eyes.

They arrived at the house. The elderly went at the neighborhood to show themselves. Entering the house, Saruhiko picked up a photo frame. Yui followed him at the living room. She peeked into the photo and saw Nikki holding young Saruhiko while he was crying. "That was cute", she commented. Saruhiko let it down. "Cute is not suitable for that horrible person", Saruhiko bit his lips. "I dont want to interfere but.... That horrible person is still your father", Yui reminded. "Ah.. I know", Saruhiko said in his lazy tone. "Brother, have you ever thought of him as someone who was capable of forgiveness?", Yui asked. Saruhiko's blood boiled and grabbed Yui's colar. Yui remained unmove but just gave a pitiful look. "What do you know about him?", Saruhiko said in great disgust. "Nothing....but the way you react tells me more than a story", Yui held his hand. Saruhiko released her. "Fushimi-san...the strongest people are the ones who forgive", Yui tighted her gripbon Saruhiko's hand. "I bet you always wanted to hear this words from Nikki-san. That is why...", Yui get closer and tip toed to reach Saruhiko's ears. "I'm sorry for everything", Yui whispered. Saruhiko's eyes widened and covered his eyes with his bangs. He went straight inside his room.

And that ended the chapter..

Sorry for some typo...

Thank you for reading this far.

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