#21: Before it all ends...

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Saruhiko kept calling on the peach head but she wasn't answering. He decided to call Yata.

Saruhiko: Airhead. Is Yui at your place?

Yata: Ah... monkey. She told me not to tell you

Saruhiko: What is she doing there?

Yata: Dont worry I'm not going to cook her. Plus, she went to visit Kauri a while ago. Dont worry I'll walk her home.

Saruhiko: I'll fetch her

Yata: She doesnt want to see you right now so get lost

Saruhiko: She's in no position to say that

Saruhiko ended the call and went to get the car. While driving, he saw the prism necklace he once gave her. "She doesnt know how to value things", Saruhiko talked to himself. He looked at it and sighed. The spiky haired man looked at the road and had a deep thought upon his previous action. Well she was the one said she wanted a family. She insisted to be a part of the family and I dont need to feel guilty. He stopped by the bar and hesitated to enter. "Gwahahah!!! You suck at it Yata-san!!", he heard Yui laughing. He entered and saw the two playing shouji. He sighed and sat at the chair next to them. "Oh, Ni-san. How's work? I didnt ask you to fetch me though", Yui never looked at him and continued playing. Yata looked at Saruhiko. "Your brother is already here. Time to go home Yui", Yata closed the board and pushed her to Saruhiko. They ended up on the car together. No one was talking. The silence became deafening so Saruhiko opened the radio and listened to it. "Ni-san", Yui called out. "Uhmmm?", Saruhiko hummed. "When do you plan to have the wedding?", Yui pouted. "Why? Want me to stop the wedding?", Saruhiko teased. "What are you saying? Kauri-san's looking forward to it", Yui got angry. "Then why does it sound like you're in favor of it", Saruhiko turned of the engine. They stopped by the riverbank. "It's cold out here, Ni-san", Yui complained as she braced herself. Saruhiko stepped closer to her and gave a tight hug. "Wha-", Yui's eyes widened. "It's cold right?", Saruhiko asked. Yui gripped into Saruhiko's back. "Are you crying?", Saruhiko asked. "Who's crying? I'm just happy that you're already growing up", Yui lied while stopping her emotions to show. She pushed Saruhiko and sat at the grasses, watching the starry sky. Saruhiko sat with her. "Let me ask you once more", Saruhiko looked at her eyes. "Do you like me?", Saruhiko cupped her face. "What are you saying? You're my brother and plus you are getting married", Yui removed Saruhiko's hand. The spiky haired man clicked his tongue and stood up. He walked away leaving the girl. 


Yui entered the unit panting. She glared at the lax man lying on the sofa. "How dare you leave me in alone?", Yui scolded him. Saruhiko just ignored her. Kisa heard the commotion and went down. "Dear, why are you shouting?", Kisa asked. "Your son just left me at the river banks", Yui reported. Saruhiko clicked his tongue and went upstairs. "My my, he might be thinking about the company and wedding", Kisa tried to calm Yui down. 

The next few days... 

The engagement party was called off because of some matter. Yui haven't seen Saruhiko for the past days. Kisa was also became weary so Yui went to look for his brother. She decided to visit Kauri's place. 

Tadashi Residence...

Saruhiko's lying on the floor making Kauri's lap his pillow. " It's been four days since you ran away from home. That girl must have been worried", Kauri stroked his hair. " Kauri, I told you right. I want to stay with you right now, dont talk about anything else", Saruhiko clicked his tongue. "Saruhiko, why are you doing this to yourself? I am quite aware that you really dont like me. You're not also my type", Kauri pinched his cheeks. "Sorry, I have nothing else stored in my mind. I wanted to run away from my feelings. Sorry for using you", Saruhiko apologized. Kauri laughed. "The old Saruhiko will never say that. With all his pride and self-worth, he'll never say it", Kauri teased. "Don't let go of someone who you wont last a day with. I wasn't the one who taught you to apologize nor say thank you", Kauri closed her eyes. "I held on. I gave her a lot chances but she rejected it", Saruhiko bit his lips. 

Yui arrived and saw Saruhiko in Kauri's lap. They look like they were having serious talks. She lowered her head and decided to leave. She walked around the village and saw it's already sunset. Yui sat below the tree and watched the sun disappear. "Did someone ask you to come here?", Yui heard a familiar voice. It was Saruhiko. Yui stood up and slapped the guy. "You should have told mom. It's okay that you've been so naughty to me but never let Mom be worried again", Yui lectured. "Why are you always thinking about others. How about you?", Saruhiko asked in his dull voice. Yui kept quiet. "How about you?", Saruhiko repeated. "No matter how I want things. It will never come to pass. That is why I decided that I... I will be spectator of the happiness of someone I...", Yui stopped when she saw Kauri on Saruhiko's back. "Are you both fighting?", Kauri asked. Yui shook her head and passed through them .

Yui marched down the hill when a hand grabbed her wrist. "Then why dont you fight for him?", Saruhiko ran after her. "Why dont you just fight for him and say you wanted him? Why cant you stand up and say you dont want how things are? It's not being selfish!!! It's being honest of how you really feel", Saruhiko lectured and pulled Yui close to him. "I just wanted you to say it loud and clear", Saruhiko whispered. "Say it", Saruhiko repeated. Yui gripped Saruhiko's back . "I want you Ni-san. I dont want to see you with any other girls. I wanted to tell Mom not to sign the paper. I wanted to be someone whom you can set your eyes to", Yui shouted. "Noted", Saruhiko smiled and pressed his lips against Yui. They heard claps and was startled. They made distance with one another. "Very well said", Yuri went out from the bush and also with Kashima, Kisa and Yata. "Everyone, why in the world are you here?", Yui flushed. Yuri held out a pile of papers and torn it. "Request had been accepted", Kisa went close to Yui and patted her shoulders. "Sorry, Mom", Yui hugged her. "Dont apologize. Mother already told me before they left the country. When I noticed things going wrong, I asked them to head back to Japan", Kisa informed. "Then, why are you here?", Saruhiko glared at Yata. "Just giving back the favor", Yata gave a thumbs up. Kauri joined the picture afterwards. "Saruhiko. Way to go!!!", she slapped Saruhiko. "What was that for?", Saruhiko asked. "That was for lying to me", Kauri smiled and hugged Yui. "Take care of that monkey and I'll be taking care of the airhead", Kauri whispered. Yui smiled and looked at Yata. 

Looks like it ended the way it should be... 

Then I guess time to make the ending.

I suck at endings so forgive me.


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