#11: Meeting the Grandparents

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A car went to fetch the two. Saotome and Fushimi sat at the back part. "Hey, you've been annoyingly quiet since you arrived at Tokyo", Fushimi noticed. "I'm just thinking what kind of people will I meet at the party", Saotome shivered. The breeze is starting to get cold. Fushimi closed the window. "Grandma and Grandpa are great people. The rest are trash", Fushimi informed. "Fushimi-san. Isnt it bad to give a negative comment about them?", Saotome asked. "Stop calling me with that name. Once the paper had been done, you're officially my sister", Fushimi reminded. Saotome had a pang on her chest. "Then what would you prefer? Saru-ni ( monkey brother)?", Saotome asked. The driver chuckled. Fushimi glared at him. "My apologies, Master", he apologized. "Then, Ni-san? (Brother)", Saotome suggested. "Suit yourself", Fushimi opened his laptop and started typing. "Working?", Saotome peeked on his gadget. "I'm on a working leave. I wasnt suppose to agree with this stuff but Captain asked me to. What a pain", Fushimi clicked his tongue. "Ni... Ni... Ni...Ni-san. How long will you stay in Scepter 4?", Saotome stuttered. "You're making me puke. Just call me the usual way you do", Fushimi commented. "I'd be staying until I want to", Fushimi answered. "I had always been curious. Why did you leave HOMRA?", I opened. He closed his laptop and squished my face with one hand. "I said, dont stuck your nose around me", Fushimi adviced. The car pulled the break and Saotome accidentally held into Fushimi's neck. Saotome gulped and sat straight. That happens at times. Come to think of it. He's still warm.

After a long hour of traveling, Saotome fell asleep occupying almost 3/4ths of the seat. "Geez, this girl is getting into my nerves", Fushimi took her head let it rest into his lap. They reached the Mansion. Fushimi shook her but she's still sleeping. "Oi~ we're here", Fushimi shook her again. It ended up that Fushimi carried her on his back.

Saotome woke up and smelled watermelon. She tilted her head and saw messy hair and glasses. "Fushimi-san", she moved. "You can put me down", Saotome wiggled. It was already inside the mansion's living room. "Oh, Saruhiko. You're already home", an old woman stood up. She's wearing glasses and beside her is an old man. "When did you arrive, Grandma?", Fushimi asked. "We're escaping the Summer in America so we decided to come here. "Seems like you're already comfortable with each other", Kisa also entered the living room. Fushimi let the maiden down. "Maybe if Nikki also had one. He might have been... Saved", the old woman said in a sad voice. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kashima Fushimi and my wife, Yuri Fushimi", he introduced. Yuri circled around Saotome. "What a gorgeous young lady", Yuri praised. "Thank you... Uh... Grandma", she stuttered. Yuri chuckled. "You've grown tall Saruhiko. You really look like your father", Kashima patted his shoulders. "Sorry but I dont like to be the same as my father", Fushimi bluntly said. "Dinner is ready", Saotome butted in.

They all gathered in front a long table. Saotome's opposite to Fushimi. "Saruhiko, I heard you are working under Scepter 4", Kashima said. "Ah", Fushimi answered. "Your mom told me about your runaway", Yuri informed. "Mother, its okay", Kisa stopped her. "Would you mind explaining?", Yuri demanded. Saotome gulped as she feels the tension. Kisa acts different in front of her in laws. "Its not that I ran away from her. After that bastard died, I was finally free to have my own life", Fushimi clarified. "Do you not like how this household treat you?", Yuri asked. "Honey, we're in front of the food", Kashima calmed her down. "No offense. Its not that I like it nor dislike it. I actually commend your daughter in law for not stopping me", Fushimi served crab meat to Saotome's plate. "Eat", he commanded. The tension was broken. "Oh right. We have Yui with us", Yuri changed mood. Kisa looked at Fushimi and so did he. They talked about life in America. "Saruhiko, want to visit there with Yui someday", Kashima asked. "I dont like the heat", Fushimi said while removing the vegetables and puting it on Saotome's plate. I'm not a pig, this demanding four eyes. Saotome started to get pissed off. "Eat the vegetables, Fushimi-san", she suggested. "From now on, call him brother", Yuri said.

"Mom, Dad, your room is already prepared. Saruhiko, I asked the maid to clean your room. Tell me if there are anything that went missing", Kisa informed. Saotome went with Fushimi. "What do you mean when you said you dont want to be your father?", Saotome asked. "Right. You never met that bastard", Fushimi sighed. "He's one of a disgusting father", he introduced. "You might get a visit tonight", Saotome scared him but he laughed instead. "That'll be great so I can make him beg for forgiveness", Fushimi gave a sarcastic smile.

Saotome went out the balcony and called Yata.

Yata: Oh, Saotome. You've called

Yui: Nice to hear you as lively as before.

Yata: uhm.. A.. Actually.. I forgot to thank you for being for me.

Yui:uhm.. Thats what friends are for

Yata: I heard from Anna that you already signed the papers. Are you sure about it?

Yui: Yes. And regarding that... I smell somef ishy stuffs about Fushimi-san and his father. Do you know some stories?

Yata: I met his father when I visited that Monkey while he's sick. I looked around and saw no adults to take care of him. He was shaking because of the colds and fever. While cooking, his father grabbed my colar and threatened Saruhiko to stand up on his feet or else he'll do something to me.

Yui: Wait.. You're telling me that Nikki-san was the one in charge of taking care of Fushimi-san

Yata: Bet so. He oftendly destroys Saruhiko's project and even scared people who goes near him.

Yui: That explained why he had few friends.

Yata: I recalled. When his father died. Saruhiko pulled him from the bed and demanded forgiveness.

Yui: That was extreme

Yata: Lets have a long chat next time. Anna is calling me.

Yata ended the call. Saotome stood in front of Kisa's room. She heard a slap. "If only I knew what you did to Saruhiko. I might as well asked him to migrate", Yuri scolded. "Honey, she didnt do anything", Kashima said. "You're right. She never done anything", Yuri walked out of the room and saw Saotome standing in front of the door. "Oh dear, sorry to wake you up with that noise", Yuri apologized. They went to have a cup of coffee. "I'm aware of Nikki's psychological capabilities. We werent there to look after him while he was growing up. In result, he became abusive of the freedom given to him", Yuri informed. "To think that Kisa will allow abuse... That's not like her", Yuri sipped into her coffee. "Back then, I thought it would be impossible to have the company back. I went to hunt for brother and it wasnt late. Let's save Brother", Saotome held her hand .

Hope you like that....

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