#15: Fireworks

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"I want to have one prism", Yui leans on Saruhiko while he is washing the dishes. "Why did you let the caretakers have a day off?", Saruhiko clicked his tongue. "They need some rest", Yuri answered while watching the news. "They're having a fireworks display later", Kashima informed. "Then, lets all go", Yui exclaimed. "Arent you tired? We just swimmed this afternoon and you still want to watch?", Saruhiko asked. Yui nodded her head. "Go by yourself", Saruhiko wiped his hand and went inside his room. Yui changed into her Yukata. Kisa fixed her and applied some make up. "Saruhiko will regret that you're her sister", Yuri teased. Yui flushed but hid it. "Dont say that", Yui pouted. Yuri went upstairs and knocked on Saruhiko's room. There are no response. She entered and saw Saruhiko carving the prism into a butterfly and made a hole where silver lace can enter. "Oh~ Do you have some girls back in Tokyo?", Yuri freaked him out. "Dont sneak in like that", Saruhiko sighed. "Here is a Yukata your Dad left", Yuri dropped it on his table. Saruhiko glanced at it. "It suits his character", Saruhiko continued his craft. The Yukata is colored black and white linings. "See you at the festival", Yuri patted his shoulders. Yuri went down and signalled them to head out. "Where is brother?",  Yui asked while looking at the stairs. Yuri shrugged her shoulders. The elderly are on casual clothes but Kisa and Yui look fabulous on their pink Yukatas. "Mom, you look super duper young", Yui's eyes are glittering. "Dont say that", Kisa was shied. They all went at the festival and saw tons of people. The stalls have exciting items. Most of the people are wearing Yukata. Yui tilted his head when he saw a tall man in blue Yukata. "He looks familiar", Yui tip toed. She bumped into a red haired man. "Ah, Saotome?", Domyuiji was shocked. "She's no longer Saotome. Right, Yui-chan", Benzai smiled. The whole Scepter 4 special unit are all present. "In that case", Yui looked back on the man in front of them. "Captain is also here?", Yui cupped her face. Reishi looked back and saw Yui with the rest of the Fushimi. "Good evening. My name is Reishi Munakata, the 3rd king. Your princess did a great job", he bowed. "Same as with us, thank you for taking care of her", Kisa bowed and shook hands with Reishi.  Reishi stared at Kisa for a long time and he's still holding her hands. He lets go and cleared his throat. "Seems like Saruhiko and Yui found a father", Yuri commented. It made them all turned stiff. "Dont kid like that", Kashima said worriedly. "Shall I offer safetly, Madame?", Reishi offered. "Then, the pleasure is hers", Yuri pushed Kisa. "You can both go", Yuri winked at Reishi. The two disappeared from their sight. "What just happened?", Akiyama asked. Having themselves dumbfounded, Yuri and Kashima also went missing. Yui's phone vibrated.

Go enjoy with the lads! Good to be young!

The Scepter 4 special unit and Yui went into the stalls and trying everything. "I dont know what to call you. Yui-chan? That sounds cute", Domyouji said while catching Koi's. Yui's eyes are concentrated in getting the Koi. "Do you like one?", Akiyama asked. "I want to catch one. Brother really loves them", Yui informed. The rest of the Scepter 4 catched Koi's. They were able to catch 7 Koi's. Yuri appeared nowhere. "Boom! Good evening boys. Time to get my princess back", Yuri smiled. Yuri got the Koi's and pulled Yui from the crowd. "Yui, someone is waiting for you at the temple", Yuri informed. "I have to give these Kois to brother", Yui explained. "Just go", Yuri pushed her upstairs, headed to the temple. Yui slowly peeked while walking upstairs. Someone on white mask and blue Yukata is sitting at the temple's entrance. With the messy hair and intimidating presence, she could tell who he is. "You look tame", Yui bluffed. Saruhiko stood up and went closer to her. "You deserve to be standing beside me. Guys will also come crawling to have you", Saruhiko ran his fingers on Yui's hair and looked down on her eyes. Yui removed his mask and was disappointed seeing Saruhiko in glasses. They walked further and reached the highest place. A perfect place for watching fireworks. "Can I tell you something?", Yui asked for permission. "Are you happy now?", Yui asked. "I'm unexpectedly happy", Saruhiko said in a bored tone. Yui gave a weak smile. "Then that satisfies me", Yui shed tears. "Sorry for being this emotional. I always wanted a family. I never expected it was this fun. Eating together, swimming together, talking about various things. Thank you for giving me these opportunity", Yui wiped her tears. "You gave them back to me, dummy", Saruhiko patted her head. They sat on the ground. Yui's still sniffing. "Yui, are you already satisfied that you are a part of the family?", Saruhiko asked. Yui nodded and gave Saruhiko a tight hug. Saruhiko gripped on the necklace inside his pocket. His phone vibrated and checked on it .

Be sure to give it.

"Yui, sit straight", Saruhiko ordered and Yui did. He pulled the necklace with the prism shapped in butterfly. "Brother", Yui's eyes widened. The fireworks started . Saruhiko said something and Yui was able to lipread it. She was happy and in the same time.... Crushed...

Saruhiko's holiday ended and Yui went back to school. Kashima and Yuri decided to stay in Japan for longer time. The company remained on top. They still have their lives to continue. Saruhiko's gotten busy since he had a lot of work to do. Kisa is still accomodating investors. Yuri and Kashima are still touring around.

Yui looked outside the window and saw the Blue King's Sword of Damocles at the top of Mihashira tower. She rushed to HOMRA to get information of what is happening. Anna and Kusanagi left the bar. It was only Yata and the others. She entered and startled Yata. "Yui, what are doing here?", Yata asked. "Calling me by my first name", Yui had a poker face. "Rather than that Monkey's surname", Yata pouted. "The Blue King", Yui opened. "He's loosing control of his power", Yata informed. "No way", Yui said in dismay. The door banged. Yui's eyes widened to see Saruhiko inside the bar. "Monkey", Yata stood up. "Saruhiko-san?", Rikio went in between Yata and him. "Yui", Saruhiko went closer. He drew his sword and gave it to her. "Do you remember the basic", he asked. Yui nodded still puzzled what happening. "50... No more than 70", Saruhiko looked into his phone. After a minute, the bar was attacked by Green Clan. Yata and Saruhiko fought back to back to protect Yui. After some time, Saruhiko knelt down with sweat dripping down his face. Yui helped in fighting. The Green Clan withdrawn. Some furnitures are destroyed and others are injured. Yui also knelt down to check Saruhiko. He's all wet. "Shut it down", Yata commanded. "Some are still outside", Saruhiko tried to stand. "Try to trust us!!! We wont put Yui's life in danger", Yata assured. "You heard him", Yui smiled. Saruhiko shut his red flame down. "How did you know I was here?", Yui asked. "There's a tracker inside that prism. I saw Red and Green flames surrounding you", Saruhiko explained. Yui elbowed him. "After a month, you finally showed yourself", Yui teased. After the fight, Yui excused themselves.

Curioused of what Fushimi said during the fireworks?

Its not a confession. Sorry to disappoint you...

It was something like this...

"I cannot be the one to return your feelings"...

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