#12: Dance

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Peach long dress, curly hair, long eyelashes and light pink lipstick. The hotel's hall is decorated with blue roses mixed with white ones. "Introducing to you, the Fushimi's and incoming part of the family", the mc announced. Kashima, Yuri and Kisa went ahead. Cameras flickered as Yui and Saruhiko stepped down the stairs. Yui's holding on to Saruhiko's arm for support. "Dont keep on moving", Saruhiko instructed. "This dress is annoying me", Yui complained. "You look good in your tuxedo", Yui praised. "Of course, its just natural", Saruhiko boasted. "I take that back", Yui tighten her grip when the M.C went closer. "Can we hear some words from the lady of the night?", the MC asked. "Good Evening to everyone. I am honored to be standing in front of you. Its a great pleasure to be working with this company for a year. I hope to work well with you", Yui sounded professional. Still holding on to Saruhiko's arm, she grip tightly. "Thank you for welcoming me as a part of Fushimi", she bowed.

At the dressing room...
Saruhiko and Yui are left. Saruhiko's fixing his hair. "Are you sure about this?", Saruhiko asked. "I'm a bit scared and uncertain of what'a coming next. People expect a lot from the Fushimi's. I cant afford to make mistakes", Yui sat at the sofa. "Brat, if you keep thinking that way, you'll die early", Saruhiko commented. "The Fushimi's are still human. Not to mention the man who was suppose to be the heir. He spent almost all his inheritance to useless things. Humans oftenly commits mistakes but that doesnt end it....", Saruhiko cleared his throat. How lame. I cant believe I'm saying these things. Yui went near to hear the rest of his sentiments. "Humans oftenly commits mistake and so they suffers the consequences", Saruhiko made a distance. "Pfftt... I thought you were going to tell me something to cheer me up. I'm so nervous", Yui complained.

The party is smoothly ongoing. Kashima is showing the rest of the workers and relatives some revisions in the blueprints for the company. After which, they scattered to socialize. Kashima, Yuri, and Kisa are being crowded by people. "Hmmm... So you are really officially one of them?", Aya appeares no where and stood beside Yui. She's in a stunning white gown. "Aya-san. How long had it been since you fit in to a society like this?", Yui asked. "Must be tough for you. It took me my whole life to engulf all of these", Aya explained. Yui saw Saruhiko being swarmed by people. Their eyes are brightened and kept asking questions. Some girls who are present in the party are also looking for opportunities to talk to him. Aya glared at them and went beside Saruhiko, acting as his guard. "Congratulations and Happy birthday", a man with red hair and scarlet eyes greeted. His smiles are captivating and his presence seems to be friendly. He offered a drink. "So, Miss Yui", he went closer. "It's a bit noisy here. Why dont we head outside?", he led the way to the balcony. "My name is Itoki Ryouta. Son of one of your investors", he introduced. Itoki gave her a box decorated with blue ribbon. Yui opened it and saw a pendant. "How thoughtful of you, Itoki-san", Yui thanked him."Brother told me this party is full of business talk and I cannot expect friendly approaches", Yui informed. "Is that so? Saruhiko is really that kind of man. Then, shall we proove him wrong?", Itoki had a scary smile as she approaches Yui. He pinned her on the wall. It's a blind spot for the people. "Guh... You're so cute to destroy. I know it's your day and I feel bad of destroying it. Let me tell you something, Saotome Yui. This place is not somewhere you belong. Thanking me over that piece of junk, what a laughing matter", Itoki pressed his forehead with his palm. "Let go of me", Yui struggled. "Saotome Yui, your brother is right. This is not a playground where you can just meet friends. Friends? Do that in school. I've been working so hard to reach a position here in this company and a fool like you appeared", Itoki slapped her. "You can say whatever you want", Yui looked straight into his eyes. Itoki got annoyed and gave her another slap. This time, it was harder giving a shade of pink in Yui's cheek. "It piss me off!!!", Itoki clenched his fist. "If you die, your spot will be vacant", Itoki's aura changed. He pushed Yui at the balcony's edge. "Bullying a girl alone? What a coward thing to do", Saruhiko went out and lean on the balcony's rail. "Want to do it together?", Itoki offered. "It's not like you want a stranger in your family, right?", Itoki asked. "What a funny guy", Saruhiko gave a short laugh and grabbed his collar. "You're not worth of my opinion. Get lost", Saruhiko looked down at him since Itoki.

Itoki went running. Saruhiko grabbed the box in Yui's hand and threw it. "Your cheeks are blushing", Saruhiko commented. "He just slapped me", Yui looked away. "You should learn self defense. You're not a kid anymore", Saruhiko ran his fingers on Yui's cheek. "Does that hurt so much that the color wont leave?", Saruhiko teased. Yui removed his hand and leaned on the rail. "None of these are normal things a debutant gets", Yui sighed. The orchestra started playing inside the hall. "Humans oftenly makes mistakes, but you all have the luxury to correct it", Saruhiko took back what he said earlier. Yui turned to look at him. He's already holding out his hand. "Shall we do something normal?", Saruhiko asked. "A dance from my soon-to-be brother? At least, I have one", Yui smiled. "Tch, you have to be in great happiness. A lot of girls are crawling just for me to look at them", Saruhiko opened his hand. Blood crept into Yui's cheek and slowly put her hand on top of Saruhiko's. "What happens next?", Yui asked. Saruhiko cleared his throat. "You're also an airhead. Asking me to dance when you dont even know how to", Yui chuckled. She dropped her hand on Saruhiko's shoulder and assisted Saruhiko's hand on her waist. "Then, you should be the one leading the dance. Have some tiny steps on sides", Yui instructed. "You should learn the basics. Once you have a girlfriend, you cant expect me to be there and teaching you how to dance", Yui pouted. "I dont plan on having one", Saruhiko clicked his tongue. "Girls are just pain in the ass", Saruhiko added. Yui intentionally stepped on his feet. "Oh, sorry", Yui had a different tone. They continued the dance. "Yui", Saruhiko called her attention. "Fushimi-san. You.. See", Saruhiko cut Yui's statement. "Call me the way it should be. You know what that meant", Saruhiko said. "I just want to say that you forgot to give me a gift!!!", Yui said in embarassment. Saruhiko stopped dancing and enveloped Yui with hus arms. Yui's eyes widened. "Is that enough?", Saruhiko asked. "Happy Birthday", Saruhiko greeted. "Since when did you get cozy with each other", Yuri's voice startled the two and made a distance. "I'll be getting something to eat", Saruhiko excused himself and left. Yui turned her back to hide her flushed face. "Its cold outside, Yui. Come join us", Yuri invited. Yui entered and saw the suspicious stares from the people. "Is she after their money?", she heard ."You might be heard", another commented. "Whatever they say, it doesnt change the fact that Kisa wants you to be a part of the family and so with us", Yuri smiled. "Thank you, grandmother", Yui bowed.

That was cute... Fushimi doesnt know how to dance. Gyah!!! Itoki is just a side character. Dont worry that'll be his last time to appear.

How was that?

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