Chapter Eleven: The Strategist

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Hiccup traipsed back to the house with a heavy heart. A part of him wanted to punch another wall or tree but he held back the urge as best he could. Now wasn't the time for angry outbursts. He was already dreading what he'd find when he got there but he knew one thing: it wouldn't be pretty.

His moment of shame would have to wait, apparently. Adrianna either wasn't home or hadn't bothered to light any of the lanterns in the main room. Her bedroom windows faced the back of the house so he couldn't tell if she was there or not just by looking at the front.

He hopped off his dragon and reached out to open the door when his hand faltered over the handle. Toothless made a concerned cooing noise at his human's rigid form.

"I don't know what to do, Bud." Hiccup mumbled morosely. "I really messed up this time." He let his hand fall to his side as his head drooped.

Toothless gently pushed his snout beneath Hiccup's fingers. Hiccup halfheartedly patted him, feeling the tiniest bit of relief. There was something comforting about a dragon's affection when he was feeling particularly miserable. A tiny spark of anger ignited within him and he stomped down the front steps, choosing instead to pace in front of the house.

"I was stupid!" he said emphatically to the dragon, who was watching his movements with interest. "When you make a promise to be somewhere, you're supposed to show up! I'm the chief of the Hooligans, you'd think I'd have this down by now!"

Hiccup's pacing was getting more rapid, his arms gesturing wildly around his head. Toothless's head moved back and forth so he could watch his rider's every move.

"But when it concerns my own daughter, my whole brain seems to shut off! It's like the universe doesn't want her and me to reconcile... ever!" Hiccup grabbed fistfuls of his hair as he paced, his breathing quite audible as he began to wear himself out. "She can only handle so much rejection, Bud. She's just a kid, really. Barely younger than I was when you and I met and you know what a basket-case I was then!"

Toothless made a face at his human before pushing through the front door and disappearing into the house.

"Great, even my dragon is sick of me." Hiccup mumbled under his breath before following the Night Fury into the house. "Toothless, what are you- would you hold still?"

The dragon snuffled irritably at Hiccup before leaping up the stairs. Before Hiccup could catch him, he had bounded down the hallway to Adrianna's bedroom and roared at the door.

"Stop!" Hiccup scampered over to his dragon and tried to get between him and the door. "She's probably not even..."

The door opened and a still fully dressed Adrianna stood in the doorway, staring between her father and his dragon with confusion.

"...home." Hiccup finished lamely. He straightened up and turned around to face his daughter. "Hi."

Adrianna's eyebrows raised the tiniest fraction. "Hi."

It was odd how flustered Hiccup felt at being faced with one of his own family members. After all, he'd changed this girl's diapers once! One would think making conversation would be the least of his worries. But familial relationships are never as simple as they seem. Hiccup and Adrianna were certainly learning that the hard way.

The father's resolve finally broke. "Gods, Adrianna, I am so sorry!" he exclaimed almost mournfully. "We caught a couple people trying to steal from the winery and you know we've been looking for those responsible for all the vand-"

"It's okay." Adrianna interrupted.

Hiccup froze mid syllable and stared his daughter. Did she really just brush it aside as if he'd merely forgotten to take out the garbage? He knew she could be forgiving but even he would have been upset if he'd been in her situation.

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